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Snom Mafia

Snooloo sniffs the fresh afternoon air.


Good spot! The thing my mind immediately jumps to is silencing, but I suppose there isn't really any way to confirm that.
Sorry, I don't follow - if you mean not being able to post in the thread, sande already made a post today.

I'm going to assume it's just a typo or something unless given other indication. Without anything else to talk about, I guess it's fair to look into.
imagine getting pocketed!

lol what if the strikethrough is just the tvtropes leak 2.0
i will also ideally be more laid back than i have previously been, due to my cats trauma. but also it's me so i'll probably say that and then proceed to continue obsessively posting,

On another topic, does anybody know when the day ends?
lmao. this would be good info. (@IndigoEmmy / @Seshas ?)
The thing my mind immediately jumps to is silencing
like post silencing?

Oh yeah day ends in 48 hours from start... so 2:00 at june 26
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