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Snom Mafia

Is there a mafia role that uhhh traps/yeets anyone who targets you at night?
By "traps/yeets", do you mean "kills"? If so, yeah, there are some reasonably standard roles similar to that. A Paranoid Gun Owner kills anyone who targets them, while a Revenger (also sometimes known as Bomb) kills anyone who kills them. The latter is really quite strong and is often restricted in some way - for example, by only working on odd-numbered nights.

I think that a PGO is pretty unlikely to exist in this game because it doesn't really fit with the idea of N0 being a chance for power roles to get a head start without any deaths happening. But we're not really going to have any evidence for anything until someone dies. (One of the reasons I don't like daystart.)

Why do you ask?
i have to admit i am somewhat thinking emoji about the strikethrough
what are you thinking about it? my guesses so far are: i think it would be extremely hilarious if it were another tropes-style leak. that and i was thinking maybe it was just mods crossing people off who'd submitted a night action or something, but that doesn't really make sense since it is literally just two people, or maybe those who got targeted by an action (but again doesn't make sense because: two people)

i guess the formatting probably doesn't actually matter but it is a bit hmm
Trebek's theory about the Innocuous Rock being a stealth rock makes me think there would be a role like that is all 😯 We snoms are so weak to rocks!!
Votecount (#133):
Seshas | 1 | Mist1422 (#19)
Eifie | 1 | mewtini (#63)
Stealth Rock | 1 | Trebek (#111)

mewtini votes Seshas [->1] (#14)
Mist1422 votes Seshas [->2] (#19)
mewtini votes Seshas -> Eifie [1->1] (#63)
Trebek votes Stealth Rock [->1] (#111)
Hi, I'm here!

As for the popularity scale, we can choose one or two people to vote for everyone and choose different people each day. That way we minimize the risk of too many snoms losing popularity at once.
voting idea is interesting! though i kind of feel like it's really dependent on town voting consensus? i guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it though, i agree that people with lower popularity scores should probably be careful either way :O
voting idea is interesting! though i kind of feel like it's really dependent on town voting consensus? i guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it though, i agree that people with lower popularity scores should probably be careful either way :O

yeah, i wonder if there’s some bias between “town consensus is to vote on X” and X being mafia if a consensus is able to be made
voting idea is interesting! though i kind of feel like it's really dependent on town voting consensus? i guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it though, i agree that people with lower popularity scores should probably be careful either way :O

yeah, i wonder if there’s some bias between “town consensus is to vote on X” and X being mafia if a consensus is able to be made
what do you mean? sorry, not totally following
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