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Snom Mafia

i do not think we should abstain tbh. doing so will give the zorua among us more time to put in their foul roots, or whatever the equivalent of roots is for mammals. thus precluding my ascent to power.
yeah i'm still in favor of a d1 lynch but i'm also worried that i'm not giving enough weight to the mech or something
If we mislynch tho we get a debuff 😅 Which will be bad if/when mafia goons want to push more mislynches imo
Oh no what if every role is a snom wearing a little outfit/accessory

Oh no........
Oo you could have some fun with that. Cop gets a magnifying glass, maybe? I wonder what would be the best fit for a doctor.

I agree with kyeugh that abstaining isn't a great idea. Sooner or later we're going to have to yeet somebody, and statistically speaking that person is fairly likely to be town - delaying that just reduces the amount of information we have. And the first rank of unpopularity isn't too much of a disaster, probably because it's so difficult to avoid.
So even if we mislynch today, we should theoretically have 8 townies tomorrow (or 7 if vig)? That does seem less bad than I thought, as long as we can all collectively agree on who to yeet ^^
i'm assuming that the diss track lowered my popularity, right? is everyone else also assuming that. i guess that means someone used their action last night to make me feel bad which is totally fine and actually i approve, just lmk who you are so i know who not to vig tonight
Kyeugh the snom is one such case. Though her unusual appearance has relegated her to the position of an outcast and pariah, she has spent her life honing her anomalous limbs, weathering the ceaseless abuse all the time and using it as fuel for her boundless growth. As the social order of her long-time home is thrown into disarray, she sees the anarchy for what it is—a ladder to the top. And unfortunately for the other snoms, one requisite for ladder-climbing is the possession of legs. Long, powerful legs.
I'm now imagining prosthetic running blades tailored specifically for Snom. Thanks for that.

I agree the flavour is a bit too obvious to be anything but a lowering of your popularity. I don't really know how much of an effect that's likely to have on gameplay, though. Is it worth you not voting today, to avoid the risk of it falling further and causing you to lose your night action?
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