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Snom Mafia

Snooloo snoozes. Snzzz...


I think the rock is just a harmless rock that Emmy added in as flavor, haha.

Personally, I feel like we probably don't lose much by executing and voting as normal. I'm sure the popularity mechanic was balanced with the possibility of normal wagons and misvotes in mind, and I feel like consensus wagons usually kill town, but of course it depends. I do not think we should abstain - the numbers are pretty tight assuming there are 3 mafia, so I think we should take every chance we can get.

I think Blu feels pretty similar to how he was in early Cats mafia, where he was town.

@Ysabel, just to make sure I'm understanding correctly - do you mean like we "elect" someone and have an unspoken agreement for no one to vote besides that person? Have you got any ideas for who that person would be right now? :O
- Also, sorry, but can you tell me more about your experience playing or watching mafia?

@Superjolt, how's life? :D

@sanderidge, what do you like about Ysabel's voting idea?

@Bluwiikoon, how do you feel about playing as the mafia alignment?
voting idea is interesting! though i kind of feel like it's really dependent on town voting consensus? i guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it though, i agree that people with lower popularity scores should probably be careful either way :O

yeah, i wonder if there’s some bias between “town consensus is to vote on X” and X being mafia if a consensus is able to be made
what do you mean? sorry, not totally following
i was thinking about it the wrong way actually, so feel free to ignore that :p i’m just meh about consensus voting like keldeo said
i admittedly just really like votecount/wagon formation analysis (even if i suck at it lmfao) so that's a big part of it, i think that 'electing' a rep would kill the rival wagon thing that i'd say is like ... more important than keeping popularity levels up. and then there's the issue of consensus wagons being pretty unlikely to hit scum (which is definitely more important than keeping popularity levels up)
i am posting this to remind myself to post again after i finish watching the celeste stream and napping
@Ysabel, just to make sure I'm understanding correctly - do you mean like we "elect" someone and have an unspoken agreement for no one to vote besides that person? Have you got any ideas for who that person would be right now? :O
- Also, sorry, but can you tell me more about your experience playing or watching mafia?
I was thinking we can decide on someone to vote for and then, yeah, pick a person from the pool of people who agree for the person to be voted. And no, I don't have a clear idea right now about who. But yours and Mewtini's concerns are fair. If we decide on this method we could still have the unofficial votes for a wagon or another, and there could still be more than one wagon if that happens. I guess the difference is that the hosts wouldn't count those votes since they wouldn't be official. But it was mostly a suggestion if people were worried.

Either way, are we sure this popularity system is part of the game? I'm thinking of this specific post:

Wait, so the poor Zorua aren't motivated by getting rid of Snom?
Everything flavor-related said by Emmy is canon
Everything flavor-related said by me is a joke


Anyway. I have at least six games of experience. I've done fairly well, though there's always more to learn. In one of those games I was mafia, in another, I was the serial killer, and iirc on the rest, I was town. I had a power role in at least two of those, though I think I'm better at day analysis than with night actions. As for watching, I've watched at least three in other forums and I watched the TVT one here though I didn't follow super closely due to the amount of posts xD If you want any specific info I can expand on this.
Hmm, now that he's made a few posts I'm pretty damn sure (let's say 85%) that Keldeo is town. I get that I've only played a couple of games with y'all so it's maybe a little bit early to be thinking about meta, but having had the chance to observe his thought process as scum last game makes me more confident in this. As a wolf I feel he comes across as a little combative, I think because he tries to distance himself from his scumbuddies and then realises he needs to be treating everyone else similarly as well. I'm not getting that sort of vibe from him this time at all.

I'm not as keen as he is on Bluwiikoon though. It's true that he's meming in a similar way to his behaviour in Cats (2019), but back then he sobered up when people actually started talking mafia. In this game we're already making plans but I think he's made, like, one non-joke post so far? And that was proposing an abstention. Idk, just seems a bit odd.

In principle, I like the idea of having a representative vote for us to minimise changes in popularity, but I definitely think we ought to decide on the yeet target with an actual faux-voting system (or by casting real votes and withdrawing them before EoD), so that the representative doesn't have the prerogative to use their subjective interpretation of the "town consensus". On the other hand, that might be pretty difficult to organise and I think Keldeo has a point that the popularity mechanic is probably balanced around normal voting behaviour.

i am posting this to remind myself to post again after i finish watching the celeste stream and napping
If you have a moment at some point, do you think you could have a quick pass over the last few pages and see if you notice any interactions that jump out to you as possibly w/w?
the other issue i have with representatives is that it seems easy for mafia to weasel themselves into the process, maybe even electing a member of their own as the rep?
i agree with you on keldeo tbh, if only because i think my gut feelings on him have been correct thus far (sample size: literally 2 games)

I'm not as keen as he is on Bluwiikoon though. It's true that he's meming in a similar way to his behaviour in Cats (2019), but back then he sobered up when people actually started talking mafia. In this game we're already making plans but I think he's made, like, one non-joke post so far? And that was proposing an abstention. Idk, just seems a bit odd.
fwiw i also can't tell how i feel about blu's talk around abstention, though i think i'm chalking it up to "scary new mech" thus far?

On the other hand, that might be pretty difficult to organise and I think Keldeo has a point that the popularity mechanic is probably balanced around normal voting behaviour.
having waking nightmares rn of underlining for Unofficial Vote and bolding for the legit vote ...

oh also @sanderidge idk if this came up elsewhere but what mafia experience do you have?
the other issue i have with representatives is that it seems easy for mafia to weasel themselves into the process, maybe even electing a member of their own as the rep?
yeah also this, esp since we inevitably kind of lose the spontaneity of EoD this way :p
the other issue i have with representatives is that it seems easy for mafia to weasel themselves into the process, maybe even electing a member of their own as the rep?
yeah also this, esp since we inevitably kind of lose the spontaneity of EoD this way :p
yeah, i just have bad Vibes about a mafia member becoming the representative and “oh no i wasn’t around to vote” if the votes on maf
Or we could ignore popularity entirely in order to stop mafia from being able to PR hunt as well tbh
i think i’m missing something ... are you referring to the roles that interact w popularity?
Snooloo sits cutely or something. idk.


Thank you, Ysabel, that’s cool! Can I ask, do you prefer playing as town or non-town, and why? What do you think are the most important traits for a town and for a mafia? How do you usually go about looking for mafia when you are town? I'm sorry if this is a lot of questions, I’d just like to get a sense of how you approach playing.

mewtini / Trebek / Mist, I’d be interested in any thoughts so far that you have :0 Particularly, mewtini/Trebek, I'm interested if you have any thoughts on Ysabel for proposing her plan, given that you seem to disagree with it.

koko, I'm a bit confused about how you arrived at that read on me at this stage. I was not present for the equivalent earlygame time period in Cats, I said I would be more relaxed this game regardless of alignment, and I perceived myself as townreading most of my partners in early Cats, not distancing that hard. Could you try and explain your thought process a little more? Also, could you talk about why you asked sande that question specifically? You can answer this latter question after they answer.

Do you have an active scumread on Blu for what you mention or do you just disagree with my read? My read on Blu is thin for sure, but I think he has definitely brought up game-related things, such as his speculation on the flavor text's relevance, and done so in a kind of unprompted way. I also think he might feel a bit more self-conscious as mafia and I don't really think any self-consciousness has bled through.
Or we could ignore popularity entirely in order to stop mafia from being able to PR hunt as well tbh
i think i’m missing something ... are you referring to the roles that interact w popularity?
I interpreted this as saying that people with PRs should vote as normal, without worrying about whether they might lose their night action from unpopularity, because otherwise the mafia might be able to pick up on their reluctance to vote.
mewtini / Trebek / Mist, I’d be interested in any thoughts so far that you have :0 Particularly, mewtini/Trebek, I'm interested if you have any thoughts on Ysabel for proposing her plan, given that you seem to disagree with it.
i want to say i townlean her for proposing it tbh - i think being concerned about popularity levels, especially after blu brought up abstention with some seriousness, makes sense and idk if i see reason for a wolf to spend that much time on The Plan

general thoughts are "i'm not paying very much attention today and will have to think harder later" and i kind of like how everyone who's posted sounds. if i had to pick out people who i'm townleaning on most, probably you/trebek/koko/blu so far?
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