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Snom Mafia

I also do think it's kind of obvious that the mafia know whether wagons affect their popularity and town don't, though that can all be WIFOMed.
oh it is! i just think it wouldn't be something that would be directly brought up like that by mafia
Snooloo flops.


I guess mewtini thinking out loud while trying to read koko can be town.

i kind of can see what you’re saying here. however (and i might be misremembering here) i feel like this kind of read isn’t unlike em to make, is it? my opinion will depend a lot on how willing e is to adjust that read. overall i don’t think it’s necessarily bad to form a small, malleable lean based on analyzing your posts by specific qualities, and eir explanation reads sincerely enough to me for now.
Sure, e seems sincere enough and I'd like to let em talk about others and let things play out and all. If you think it's a "small, malleable lean", though, I think you read less confidence into eir statement of the read than I do. It was pretty ? to me because it seemed fairly confident, whereas I feel like I've definitely been in my mafia range so far.
It was pretty ? to me because it seemed fairly confident, whereas I feel like I've definitely been in my mafia range so far
this is what i'd realized pretty much, i initially read it as a throwaway read (more similar to eir read on blu) but then when i went back it occurred to me that that was like, not the energy, and that it didn't totally jive with the more longterm-meta nature of the read. but i also read em as sincere enough so far, idk
sandsnom noodles around on the ground. it seems to be embarassed about talking so much.
(me, flailing quietly: okay first of all how do yall actually keep track of stuff that happens in the thread. i am frightened of skimming something and then someone going "sande avoided answering my question when i asked it twice!" and having to say "i am sorry i cannot read i am jared 19" which sounds flimsy and not great so i am reading the thread with this reply box open in another tab so i can add to it while i go)

i'm assuming that the diss track lowered my popularity, right? is everyone else also assuming that.
i'm also assuming this! i don't know why no one else has wondered how much it's lowered your popularity by, bc that's something i was thinking on my reread, but i guess lowering your popularity immediately to a level where you lose night actions is overpowered and cruel? so i am sitting on the assumption that you are at -1 popularity because of that

Personally, I feel like we probably don't lose much by executing and voting as normal. I'm sure the popularity mechanic was balanced with the possibility of normal wagons and misvotes in mind, and I feel like consensus wagons usually kill town, but of course it depends. I do not think we should abstain - the numbers are pretty tight assuming there are 3 mafia, so I think we should take every chance we can get.

@sanderidge, what do you like about Ysabel's voting idea?

@Bluwiikoon, how do you feel about playing as the mafia alignment?
(i snipped some parts of the post that i'm not replying to/concerned about out, but hopefully those are Allowed Changes within a quote)
i'm worried about voting as normal because if we vote wrong twice, any of us who voted that way will lose night actions, which sounds Not Great? i liked the voting idea ysabel had because that seems like it would avoid wiping out a potential lot of power roles' ability to act overnight, and also it would give us another way to test out how people behave with specific pressures on them. i think it was mewtini that said they like the Organic Feel of eod with switching and vote analysis anyway, but if we just proceed as if we were really voting while voting for someone for the representative to vote for (i hope that makes sense) i feel like you could get that analysis and avoid a lot of people possibly losing powers overnight?

also is it just me or does that last question keldeo asked sound really loaded?!

Or we could ignore popularity entirely in order to stop mafia from being able to PR hunt as well tbh
i am not entirely sure what this means so for clarification: this means we could ignore popularity entirely so that no one would exhibit iffiness about popularity mechanics which would betray I Have A Night Role I Want To Use which the mafia could pick up on and get at, right?
... which is probably a good idea, actually. i still kind of like the idea of voting for someone to vote for, with assigned reps, because i do feel like that would get around the iffiness and the potential power role losses.

If you have a moment at some point, do you think you could have a quick pass over the last few pages and see if you notice any interactions that jump out to you as possibly w/w?
i don't find anything iffy in pages 1-8 :'D it doesn't seem like people are really interacting with each other that much before you posted that? is there something i'm supposed to be picking up on...

re: my mafia experience,
i used to play oldstyle tcodfia in like... 2015, 2016 ish? these were more mech-heavy, discussion-light games that i eventually stopped signing up for because baby me never knew how to play mechanically correctly - i tended to get one of the more powerful roles and not use them very well and also be too scared to say anything in the thread if i had any useful info. i also never really learned what would be mechanically Good or Useful because i'd die and stop reading the thread lol. there wasn't very much dicussion in them anyway. but i am trying to move in a new direction! posting thoughts! trying to get things down and be useful in the thread! ... i don't know how it'll work out but at least i can say i was trying my best!
sandsnom turns away from you. it seems meditative.
sandsnom bounces up and down. it seems to want to make a clarification to its last post.
i forgot to say!!! i did read through All of cats mafia. so i do have that experience
Snooloo flops.


I guess mewtini thinking out loud while trying to read koko can be town.

i kind of can see what you’re saying here. however (and i might be misremembering here) i feel like this kind of read isn’t unlike em to make, is it? my opinion will depend a lot on how willing e is to adjust that read. overall i don’t think it’s necessarily bad to form a small, malleable lean based on analyzing your posts by specific qualities, and eir explanation reads sincerely enough to me for now.
Sure, e seems sincere enough and I'd like to let em talk about others and let things play out and all. If you think it's a "small, malleable lean", though, I think you read less confidence into eir statement of the read than I do. It was pretty ? to me because it seemed fairly confident, whereas I feel like I've definitely been in my mafia range so far.
if e clings to the read or keeps reading too far into little things i’ll certainly agree, but for now i don’t think it’s unlikely that e was just looking forward to analyzing your posts and holding them up to your meta, and got excited that e could work out some kind of read from it.
i have one more habit from Old Tcofdia style days and this is the assumption that Everyone Has A Role. i am not used to the concept of vanilla anyones which is kind of why i am so concerned about a lot of us losing the ability to act overnight + assuming skylar does in my thoughts about diss track. i don't think/assume Every role has a night action (like aliens don't have night actions but they do have Roles) but i tend to make such assumptions
i think it was mewtini that said they like the Organic Feel of eod with switching and vote analysis anyway, but if we just proceed as if we were really voting while voting for someone for the representative to vote for (i hope that makes sense) i feel like you could get that analysis and avoid a lot of people possibly losing powers overnight?
yeah, that was me! i guess i just have my doubts about running like a ... voting simulation, and then somehow getting reps to vote according to that, while maintaining the pressure of the real thing. and the popularity tradeoff stuff doesn't seem worth losing all of that to me :T

i do like sande's wall though, and the remark about skylar's popularity is fair. i was assuming -1 just bc it seemed like a basic unit, yeah
i am not entirely sure what this means so for clarification: this means we could ignore popularity entirely so that no one would exhibit iffiness about popularity mechanics which would betray I Have A Night Role I Want To Use which the mafia could pick up on and get at, right?
yeah mist clarified later that that was what they meant
also is it just me or does that last question keldeo asked sound really loaded?!
i can see why you'd think that though i think it's pretty par for the course for him (also tbh i'm glad he asked blu that)

sande do you have any Vibechecks so far?
i'm worried about voting as normal because if we vote wrong twice, any of us who voted that way will lose night actions, which sounds Not Great?
i don’t disagree with this thinking but i think it’s more productive to worry about that when losing our night actions is a more immediate threat. some people getting docked one point today isn’t the end of the world, and if there’s a role that decreases popularity arbitrarily, i assume (or hope) that there’s one that increases it too, right? i’d rather not do this rep thing or whatever today, and instead just play normally for now. there’ll always be time to fret about the popularity issue once it’s more of... an issue.

that said i will probably be personally abstaining today.
sande do you have any Vibechecks so far?
not yet :'D i think i'm going to come across as waffly for the entire game bc tbh i am scared of making reads (what if i'm wrong?! what if i defend the wrong people?!) but hopefully that's currently understandable with not a lot going on. maybe more things will happen tomorrow (not toMorrow)! but i'm still feeling very new to the style of "let's read people" so i don't want to be like "i'll have a tierlist by tomorrow!" because, uh, idk if i will.

i don’t disagree with this thinking but i think it’s more productive to worry about that when losing our night actions is a more immediate threat. some people getting docked one point today isn’t the end of the world, and if there’s a role that decreases popularity arbitrarily, i assume (or hope) that there’s one that increases it too, right? i’d rather not do this rep thing or whatever today, and instead just play normally for now. there’ll always be time to fret about the popularity issue once it’s more of... an issue.
okay yeah i think this makes a lot of sense. i'm starting to go back and forth on the rep thing tbh because i'm starting to doubt that we'd be able to actually get meaningful votes in that way (that person would have to remember to check the thread in time + if we pick mafia, they might get in a free Lynch Whoever I Want in exchange for us lynching them the next day, which could be really bad).
Snooloo is simply vibing.


I have actually been in a game where we were mechanically forced to elect a representative who could shoot someone instead of voting normally, so like, it's definitely feasible to keep an unofficial tally of voting. But if this game has 10 town and 3 mafia, we already get to LYLO after 3 misyeets, so I'm... not really that concerned about the PR losses at -2 popularity. I think we can always also reassess if people are on a misyeet today. (In that game the rep ended up shooting the most correct townie... so it goes.)

I vaguely like sande for ""tone"" aka no real reason. kyeugh probably has greater than random chance to be town in the exact world that the "make someone lose popularity" effect is a result of a mafia role, if the mafia didn't think about like, targeting one of their own to spew them as town - I guess I could see a world where that role is town or the mafia wanted to WIFOM.

kyeugh, have you got thoughts on people besides koko? :o

also is it just me or does that last question keldeo asked sound really loaded?!
Hmm? I meant "how do you feel about wolfing in general", not like, "how do you do, Mr. Wolf?" I try to not load my questions, haha.

Also, if you're town, being wrong is part of being town, and if you don't post many stances it can be hard to read you! But I know that posting without worrying about being wrong is easier said than done, so post whatever you are comfortable with tbh. (But also I'm rooting for you and it's absolutely fine if you make reads and they're wrong, everyone has been there...!)
How goes your third game of being mafia aligned?
omg.... keldeo was a towny king in tropes!

but also i think he meant being mafia-aligned as a concept.
Oooo!! That would probably be an interesting experience 😄 I think being able to communicate with some pals would ease my mind a bit, but then again, having to shank friends would be like (crying kid holding gun meme image)

I'm only joke about mafia Keldeo! But if he's maf again this game and I'm townie again this game I'm gonna feel so betrayed
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