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Song Choice [Day 3] End: Mafia Win

Re: Song Choice [Night 1]

Really? Really? when did res once say that it knew I was Mafia? I am on the block again. I have nothing to hide, I am NOT Mafia. Even though you don't have to believe me, but I'll defend myself.
Re: Song Choice [Night 1]

Now that that's out of the way. Ahem.
sreservoir seems kind of spastic, or is it just me? Either way, e definitely seems to know some things - I know for example that em voting for effercon and then immediately changing eir vote was for a specific reason - ... and I can second the observation about moon mindscrewing around. In that vein, Le Sabre seems like a worthy target, if sreservoir says e knows Sabre is mafia.

wait what, when did res say it knows le sabre is mafia. it unthinks that is a thing.
Re: Song Choice [Night 1]

Now that that's out of the way. Ahem.
sreservoir seems kind of spastic, or is it just me? Either way, e definitely seems to know some things - I know for example that em voting for effercon and then immediately changing eir vote was for a specific reason - ... and I can second the observation about moon mindscrewing around. In that vein, Le Sabre seems like a worthy target, if sreservoir says e knows Sabre is mafia.

... oh, I see. do you have a role which is actively detrimental to your continued existence?

a role that requires ... lynching anyone nominated, probably. or only someone nominated. or oneself. a village idiot, perhaps? what are your conditions?
Re: Song Choice [Night 1]

As the curtain falls again at the end of the day's show (cleaning up the mess from the previous murder before the place was filled with show goers), the songs all gather once more. They could not ignore the presence of the Sour Chord from the first night, nor can they forget what had happened in this very place not long ago. One by one they point the fingers, one song trying to be a rather pain and suspicious in their attempt to trip others up, until finally when the last word was said it was one song with the most against them. Even they had spoken to have themselves killed, but they didn't really expect to be taken seriously.

No one ever took this song seriously. Now here we are, the songs surrounding them with fear and regret. They didn't want to be wrong, but it was time to start looking for the source of the Sour Chord.

Once and for all.

With a simple signal, they all leap at the Song, tearing into them until nothing was left but blood and a broken body. One by one they all raise, the blood on their hands and clothes proof of what they had committed. They had silenced the song, and they now hold their breath and listen to the shadows.

Waiting...waiting...no, it can't still be here. The monster that had been believed to have died that last time. Backing away from the body, the sound got closer, closer until they could see the glowing eyes of the beast. Stifling their screams, they watched as the paw of the beast named "Mau5" dragged the body into the shadows. Silence followed and the songs waited still.

A Sour Chord came. They were wrong. They were still in danger.

Light is Dead. They were Innocent
24 hours for night actions
Re: Song Choice [Night 1]

Light from the sun's rays sweep over the floor, calling for the song to awaken from their slumber. They had all slept in it seems, though no one could really blame them due to the events that had preceded before. They knew they were still in trouble, that the cause for the Sour Chord was still among them, waiting to kill them or feed them to the monster. Leaving their rooms to get to their work, a scream is heard from the stage. Fearing the worse the rest gather and stare down at the mangled body of one song.

Everything looked wrong, from look on their face to the way their body laid. One of them knelt down and examined their body, disgust on their face as they mutter that the fool was a Sour Note if they ever say one. Moving away from the body, another pointed out that something was poking from under the body. Rolling the corpse aside they found a message written in some black substance.

'Out Out Damned Spot'

With a soft thank you from the songs for ever had been brave enough to kill one of the Sour Notes last night, their voice was cut short with another scream. Gathering to the next scene they find yet another body, this time strung up but the shoulders and back, hooks keeping them in the air and wrists tied together over their heart. When the lowered the body, they note that the throat was slit, the knot to the tie on their hands was facing the body with some kind of chew marks, and the bloody razor used to cut their throat still firmly grasped in their hands.

To anyone, this would have looked like suicide.

sreservoir is Dead. They were Mafia
Effercon is Dead. They were Innocent
Re: Song Choice [Night 1]


Since we kind of know who the mafia are, Vehement Mustelid.

Yes, res turned up mafia; however, it told me earlier that it was miller. Considering it died by nightkill (you wouldn't expect the mafia to kill one of their own, would you?), I'd rather trust it. Some of you should have been told the same.
Re: Song Choice [Night 1]

Yes, res turned up mafia; however, it told me earlier that it was miller. Considering it died by nightkill (you wouldn't expect the mafia to kill one of their own, would you?), I'd rather trust it. Some of you should have been told the same.

Actually, Effercon and I were fishing brothers. Sres died because it was my target for the night when Effercon was killed.

My vote is for Chief Zackrai
Re: Song Choice [Night 1]

Actually, Effercon and I were fishing brothers. Sres died because it was my target for the night when Effercon was killed.

My vote is for Chief Zackrai

Aaand I happen to know that Effercon was a lover maker. They chose two people, and they became lovers together. It was another thing I took from res, incidentally.

My vote stands, of course.
Re: Song Choice [Night 1]

res contacted me. We discussed for a bit. It suggested possible targets and knew my alignment (town) and who I used it on. Also, it claimed to not be Mafia. If anyone wants, I'll reveal the list of targets.
Re: Song Choice [Night 1]

Bronze Page backs away from the two that were intent of killing him. He had done nothing wrong to hurt anyone, he had only tried to protect and keep some safe. Back....back...he bumped into the wall as Hot Mess and Unfurl close in on them. They look up at Hot Mess, pleading that they pick another, claiming that he even protected them the first night.

Hot Mess, leans down, brushing the back of their hand against their cheek. They lower their voice to something soft and caring. "It will be quick, and I know you tried to help me the first night...but there was a fake among us that manipulated all of you into making this a...I think you call it a 'void session' Bronze."

She wraps her hands around their neck, giving the gentle troll-song a little smile before crushing his windpipe and melting the part of his body they held. It wasn't long for the head to fall off to the side. Hot Mess then stands up, turning to the others and folding her arms. "Well that's it then. No they weren't a Sour Note, nor did they cause the Sour Chord."

Hot Mess brushes off her hands, looking down at Bronze. They were going to die anyways, but really it didn't have to be this messy. Oh well, he can be food for the Mau5...even monsters need to be fed.

So reckless
Playing with fire now

Hot Mess smiles at the people before her, hands starting to flare with flames. She eyes them with a glint in her eyes as she draws closer.

Some girls just
Wanna watch the world burn down

"You think you were so smart. Well guess what, that fake was right." She giggles, the curtain to the show house catching as she brushes her hand against it.

Wanna watch the world burn down
Wanna watch the world burn down

"But the monster needed food. It needed the weaker songs, the foolish ones and the betrayers to keep it happy. We had to...but now its over. Sorry, but your voices end here. You've angered the monster and they don't plan to let the night fall"

Here we go again
Dirty little friend

Hot Mess then looks to Twister, a slight sad look in her eyes coupled with knowing and slight anger. ""My dear, I know you have betrayed me and was a puppet to that fake mafia. I know you were never trying to help me, or really loved me. But I'll keep you alive, not just because we die together, but so you will remember that no matter what monstrous thing I do...I will never control you"

She then sets the very stage aflame, then she looks to the shadow at her shoulder with a rather more delighted smile. "But you know what, babe.." she trails off, taking Unfurl's hand and draws them close, wrapping warm arms around them "My true partner, my only that never had to be forced to help me...never was tied to me with a wayward arrow controlled by that fake mafia...this is my real partner, not you Twister baby. We could have been great but you had to betray me."


I'm addicted to your madness


And we are ending it here.
Basically after the next night action, there would be more mafia than innocents, thus ending in a Mafia win. Instead of dragging it out (due to two people that will remain unnamed) i ended it on that day action.

The other innocent songs died because Hot Mess set fire to the stage so...that's why they are dead sadly. The only ones that survived were the Mafia aligned players.

Does that help?
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