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I don't find these hoods very exciting but 90-odd euro is a perfectly acceptable price for clothing. A nice pair of smart shoes or a good suit cost more.
well yes but that's for really special occasions.

for something that you'd wear in your day-to-day life, something that might get stained or ripped or shrunk in the wash or whatever, you shouldn't be spending crazy amounts of money on it. besides, I don't think you really get value for your money - imo, a £10 t-shirt from a budget store can look just as good as any expensive tat.
I think they're awesome. While I don't think they're horribly overpriced for what they are, I still don't have that kind of money to throw around, so I wouldn't get one.

I do, however, have a decent-sized collection of fleecy animal hats (rabbit-skull, giraffe, a couple of anime ones) that are similar, but less fluffy and expensive.
I think they're pretty neat, I've always kind of wanted a hat like that seeing as I wear a lot of crazy hats already IRL. Though too much on the pricey side to really justify a purchase by me, especially considering shipping costs.
The title is so misleading!

I thought that they were cool looking hoodies that let you catch spirits, goddamnit! I wanted to look cool while capturing the souls of the deceased, yet when I came here I saw some stupid overpriced furry crap.

For some ridiculous reason, I want one now. The lion one RIGHT NOW. I would not pay that much for it though.
You guys misunderstand me, I'm cheap as all get-out. Like I go I WANT THIS POKEMON GAME, OH JESUS FORTY BUCKS HELL NAW. Eve though 40 bucks is standard for ds games.

Et cetera.

I wouldn't pay 119 for anything except a good suit, and even those I go to cheapy places and get 'em for 50 bucks cause I'm the size of a child. :B
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