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Open Splices' Peril

Zulo did not know these people. He was formed by being struck by a terrible and alien electric blast.
"I knew we should have put up a barrier!" shouted Silver tring to calm the fire with her powers. "No offense againest you Moonshine."
"None taken, accually, we aer sopposed to hide now and control the fire. I'll take the volenteers down to the lake for the battle." Said Moonshine.
"The psychics should stay here," said Cryptica, hiding behind a boulder that would only fit her very well if she crouched. She kept an eye on the fire. Looking at Silver, she nodded as if to say, "Are you ready?"
Rick controlled the fire from spreading with his psychic powers. "Won't you go scare the humans away or whatever your plan was?" He said, impatient.
I'll go alone, then..." Moonshine said, discoraged. "My psycic power wouldn't make a difference, and I'm one of the strongest at phisical attacks, second only to... um.... Lunipseon, I guess."
"What about Star?! You can't go by yourself you'll surely get caught!" shouted Silver worried about Moonshine.
"Yeah, what about me?!" Screamed Star.

"Star, okay, you can come. But you have to promise that you will fight as hard as you can for me, if I'm captured, report back to Lunipseon IMEDIATELY! No ifs, ands, or buts! No second thoughts! Do you hear me? Get it? got it? Good." ordered Moonshine.

"I know, I know." said Star. Yeah, as if I'm going to give up that easly.
"What are we doing again?" Darksong asked, with Toree by her side. "Seriously, I have no idea why I just forgot."
"Darksong," explained Lunipseon. "You're going down to fight with Star and Moonshine. Rick, Cryptica, Silver and I will stay here."

Cryptica turned her head and focused on the fire, keeping it in a natural shape but from spreading.
((I've been gone long :D))
"Hey I want to help!" Garchard growled.
((Wait, are there humans there?))
((Yep, they've noticed the fire and are coming up toward Team Eclipse.))

"Don't kill the humans," said Lunipseon. "Anyone who wants to go can. Rick, Cryptica, Silver and I will stay here."
Garchard flew up and began to flap his wings. The gust of air began to direct the fire towards the humans.
"Wait! Don't burn them!" Cryptica kept the fire from getting near the humans, who were running up to the fire. The splices caught one's eye.

"Get ready to fight!" said Lunipseon. "Attack!"
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