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Sprite Palace


I can revamp now!
NOTE-I wouldn't class this as bumping. Isn't the limit 30 days?

See that the muk has little dark stripy things? You need that on your sprite. Not bad other than that, and the fact the shading is all over the place.
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Terry, they haven't hired you o.o You can't judge other people who are asking to work here! But then again, neither can I XD'''

Still, nice work to everyone who is working here ^_^ I'll save my questions about requests for when they're open =)
I can do recolors

Splices 2 or 3 pokemon

And Radioactives.

I don't have an example, but I can also do...
Darks (pokemon recolored black and purple if nesacerry)
Terry, they haven't hired you o.o You can't judge other people who are asking to work here! But then again, neither can I XD'''

Still, nice work to everyone who is working here ^_^ I'll save my questions about requests for when they're open =)
Terry, you have to say what's wrong with the revamp, otherwise he won't know what to do to get in.

As a side note, Shiny Spoink, you should recolor the outlines to match the color scheme when you recolor.
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