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Sprite Palace


If you hate splicing and recoloring, then why did you make a sprite shop in the first place?

And btw, the letters on your scene example are way off. It's not that hard to line them up...
Better example:

I disabled splices/recolours because I want people to request other things. >_>
Then why don't you take them off the front page all together instead of striking them out?

That's all I can say.
Yes, but what do you mean by 'restricted'? And you can't really report people for asking how to correctly request, seeing as they might, y'know, want to request?
I don't mean 'what things are restricted', I mean what does it mean if something is restricted?
^That's what I asked in the first place.

I know that splices and recolors are 'restricted'.
But what does that mean?
Does it mean that you'll only accept one request per week of that type?
Does it mean that you'll only do it for certain Pokemon?

Remember: The customer is always right!
No, we don't want to end the case, can you please elaborate as to what it means if something is on this 'special list'? Because otherwise people won't be able to request as they won't know what to request and what to not.
Remember: The customer is always right!



On topic: Terry, I don't think you have the best idea of what 'restricted' actually means. Let's say I run a sprite shop in which I do splices of any Pokémon or with more than two Pokémon. A restriction would be in which I say that I can only splice non-legendary Pokémon, or only splice two Pokémon instead of the three plus that I can do. Saying "restricted" does not tell us what's restricted about it.
Okay, finally figured it out. You'll only accept one splice/recolor request at a time.

Why don't you try to make it a bit more obvious? Once someone sees that a sprite type is 'restricted', they likely won't go searching through the rest of the super-long post to find the three lines of very little text that state (and not very clearly, mind you) that you'll only accept one.

If you want customers, you need to be courteous. Which includes spelling things out for them if asked and not saying you'll report someone just because they asked for clarification. Get it, got it, good.

That. Is. Awesome!
^Yep. You got it.

And I now do Scenes:

I scratch Special Moves, like Hyper Beam used by Rayquaza. NO FORMS ARE NEEDED FOR SCENES.
Cool. So can you do a scene with the same background as your one but with out your Pokemon. Instead have an Eevee on the left side of where the Palkia is right now and have Skitty on the right. Have them both staring at each other.
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