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The Slow(bro) Ball!~
Inferno Chandelure? 0u0
Lucario Ball!~
Id like a splice between Gallade, Flygon, and Haxorus. I hope this isnt too hard. I tried it myself and I failed.
You have no idea how much fun I had with this. A lot. I really, really, hope you like it!~
I like how one of the tags is "ass".
Anyways, I'd like a Groudon/Lanturn splice if you don't mind. I tried it once, and it came out odd to say the least, so I'd like a comparison.
An easy way around this is to printscreen the sprite from whatever proper background it's in. The process is kind of annoying, but better than nothing.Ugh, I don't feel like dealing with broken sprites right now, so I have to deny this one right now.
(Sprites that don't have a black or other colored outline so when I try to fill the background color, the sprite becomes ugly and kind of...well, shitty looking.)