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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Suicide Game! =D

I toss the syringe in the trashcan, because needles scare me. A psychiatrist named Joan Rickoff suddenly bursts in and accuses me of having needle phobia. I yell at her and we get into an argument. She keeps telling me that I'm just expressing unconscious sexual feelings towards needles, and I tell her she's full of Freudian bullcrap. She gasps in insultance, and knocks me into a floor. The fight lasts 15 minutes until the trash can is knocked over. The syringe flies into the air and goes into Joan's head. We both look at each with a "Oh crap." expression, and she explodes.

I drop words.
I arrange the words to form a copy of The King in Yellow, after which I read it and go insane after the first page. By the third page, I am dead, and by the fifth, I have decomposed.

I drop the last of the Mohicans.
Phil attempts to spoon me, but I run away. I slip on a banana peel and bump my head.

I drop a Justin Beiber CD.
I get frostbite and my limbs fall off, because Eskimo pies are made with ice and snow. XD

I drop my left arm.
I chop off my own left arm so I can try yours on, but it doesn't fit quite right. As I try to force it, my wound is already getting infected. I die in the hospital less than a day later.

I drop the sun.
I look at the tissue for a while, expecting something horrible and completely unrelated to happen and kill me, and, thankfully, nothing does. I go to bed safely. While I am asleep, however, a man sneaks in the house in the middle of the night and uses a long set of sterilized tongs to pick up the tissue and take it to a remote lab under the waters of the Caspian Sea. As it turns out, the tissue contains a strain of bacteria that only little soldier chickens can possess. I awake in the morning and step onto the spot where the tissue was last night. I then scratch an itch on my foot later and the bacteria are transferred from my foot to my hand. Then I scratch my nose, and inhale the bacteria, and I suffer a painful death from the deadly chicken disease.

I drop my glasses.
I take them from off the ground and deciding I need new glasses, toss mine away and put them on. As my glasses are tossed, they hit a man named Derek Anderson in the head. Derek Anderson is a bit psychotic and screams at me for throwing my glasses at him. When I don't apologize, he takes out a chainsaw out of God Knows Where (because he wasn't carrying it around before and his pockets definitely are not big enough! So what's the big idea? Where the HELL did he get that thing?) and is about to kill me, when you come in and knock the chainsaw out of his hands. You (Ryubane) get into an epic duel with him involving much flashery and martial arts, in the end, you win by burning off his face. Unfortunately, in the midst of your fight, much flames were flying about, and well, I got caught in them, and died.

I drop my watch.
I look at the watch and decide that it's not too girly for me, so I put it on. It begins to rub against my wrist, rubbing off the skin and penetrating my muscle. I remove the watch, but the wound is already quite large and infection is inevitable. I rush to the hospital, where The Doctor Who Bears No Name Tag With Blood On His Mask demands that I must bring the watch for further study. I speed home, hoping that the infection isn't too far along to be untreatable. I reach home, only to find that the watch, which I had left on the kitched table, is gone. Only a note signed by The Doctor Who Bears No Name Tag With Blood On His Mask remains. I wipe away a bead of sweat on my eyebrow, only to realize that I did so with the hand that has been infected by wearing the watch. The infection is transferred to my eye, and in a matter of hours, I am dead due to having the infection enter my bloodstream from two separate places at once.

I drop many many much eggnog.
I drink the eggnog and get inebriated from it, but still don't die. I begin to have strange hallucinations and visions of a man who looks like Abraham Lincoln from the future. Instead of a big top hat, he wears a giant lazor beam on his head, but this is unrelated to anything. The man begins to tell me that I must save the world from a bomb put in the crust of the Earth by a man named Derek. So I begin to go on an epic quest to save the world. On the way to the center of the Earth, I get run over by a truck. And then I die.

I drop juice.
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I find this juice, and put the bottle up to my mouth. Before I can drink any, a Leprechaun appears and knocks away the juice. I ask him politely "What the fuck was that for?!?" and he tells me that the juice was actually a potion that would make all my dreams come true. Before he can stop me, I drink the juice, and nightmares literally appear before me, and I am devoured by a giant spider.

I drop a croissant.
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