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Suicide Game! =D

I decide I don't like Chinese food, feed it to my cat, and am later gassed out of the room and I get hit by a car... You know, I seem to get hit by stuff a lot.

I drop a pixy stick :D
The grain of sand lands in my eye. I scream and run into a man holding a cake. He drops the cake and it splatters on the ground. The man becomes angry and gets ready to beat me to death unless I pay for his cake. I say that I lost all my money to a friend when I bet that he couldn't eat a gallon of mayonnaise, and he did. Unsatisfied, the man asks me to cover for him at the bar where he works. I take the bartender's position, and serve drinks to people in the bar. I drop a glass and the broken glass sticks into my leg. I am then rushed off to the hospital, before I die from losing too much blood. I am put on painkillers, and am "not all there". During the night, I escape, and hide under a bridge. When I wake up in the morning, I have frostbite, and need an arm amputated. A man with a chainsaw says he is a doctor, and begins to cut off my arm. I die from blood loss.

I drop chopsticks.
They somehow come to life and vulcan-nerve pinch my so hard I die. At least it's better than being hit by something.. oh no. * Is hit by brick* ouch...

I drop my cake! (:O Nooooo!!!)
The quarter get lodged in my nose (random, huh?) and I then get it removed surgically. However, when they give me painkillers, I overdose.

I drop a needle. (empty)
It impales my eye. D: or, at least it would have if I didn't have glasses! :D But, then it breaks my glasses so I'm practically blind and I walk into a tree. D:

I drop a log.
The log tumbles to the ground dramatically, like something out of a movie, about to kill me whe- OH EM GEE. Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a flying squirrel? NO! It's LOOOOGGGGMAAAAAN! And he's come to save me. He does so and catches the log, tossing it several feet away. His super strength is so strong that the log flies all the way to Russia, where it lands atop the Russian president and crushes him. Russia manages to detect that the thrower is from the United States, and proclaims ACTUAL (not Cold) war upon us all. Then without warning, they toss a nuke this way and we all die.

I drop a woman named Rominov Dianiastry.
The anvil lands in my diet soda, and it turns out someone poisoned it so it burns off my hand when it touches me D:

I drop a stick of dynamite :D
IT'S A TINY WOODEN SPOON!!! I try to catch it but Samantha comes past in her wolf-form grabbing it mid-air. She bows playfully wagging her tail expecting me to give chase. I'm stupid and fall for it. We run around for hours before I collapse onto the Sofa from the Silence Game. I spot the karaoke machine and give it a whirl singing the Haruhi Suzamiya theme. Samantha joins in and sings her favourite Naruto theme. We go all night taking it in turns singing theme tunes from several Anime Series'. But then the owner shows up and shoots me for abusing the machine.

I drop my Englishness!
I dodge every single one of them because of how awesome I am, but however I get caught in the aftermath and wind up falling into the earth's crust where I burn...

I drop the Union Jack that I am not taking out of my window 'til the end of the World Cup, not even if I get accused of "racism" because I'm patriotic!

(A Union Jack is an English flag, my country and who I'm supporting as well as Spain and Ireland in the World Cup which starts on Sunday!)
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