Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Being summed up as a Pokémon who I don't like is bad for me. I am super-powerful and you can see me as Rayquaza. I am too angry. I hate Eevee, but I love the eeveelutions.
I am super-powerful
Highlighted for the both of you who seem to not have noticed.kidpixkid: You're a Piplup. New and rather stubborn.
oh the innuendo...DO ME
oh my god you slightly moved the screen you are the most epic thing in the world worship him lolI am super-powerful, but you don't know it. I tilted the computer screen! Now am I Rayquaza?
That joke was sooo 7 minutes again get with the times.He tilted the screen.
He tilted the screen!
Do you not see! You, Kai, surskitty Minkow, all of you! Can you not see we are in the presence of a God amongst men?! None of you can even dream of comparing to The Great Kidpixkid. Be glad if he even ever asks you to polish his boots with you tongue, scum.
my posting career... ruined...That joke was sooo 7 minutes again get with the times.
Did I just have five posts conversing on who I am?
And also, kidpixkid, just because a pokemon's your favorite doesn't mean you have to be summed up as it. I don't really know you, but I don't see anyone on this forum being a uber-powerful brave and strong Gary Stu like Rayquaza. I mean, my favorite pokemon is Vaporeon (what a surprise) but I'm not exactly like it. Not to be rude, just saying.