• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Sup peoples


New member
Hi my name is Sai

((Wargle made me do this))

Im looking forward to getting into RP, Mafia and most of all ASB.
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What what are you saying don't believe a word he says.

((lies, I did not not make him))
Not sure why the header won't go away, but I do know you will thoroughly enjoy the Animé-Style Battling. And I also think you should join the Safari Zone. I think that very much.
Welcome. If Wargle reccomended you here, and you're looking forward to ASB, then I'm pretty sure you'll love it. But where are my manners? (gone, dead and tied to a raft floating down the river that leads to niagra falls.) I'm Blade. Enjoy your stay, and such.
Don't listen to Kammingshire Karkat Vantas, he's crazy. The fact that I have just today been given control over the entire Safari Zone bank is completely unrelated to my opinion that you should join.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here. A friend of Wargle is a friend of mine.
A friend of Wargle is usually a friend of mine. Wargle herself, on the other hand...(kidding)

Regardless, I welcome you! Can I get you some Tea and Cod?
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