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Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 1]

Sorry I'm late to the party D:

Stuff has been downloading the past few days >.<
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 1]

So, after reading through this whole mess, I believe that lynching I liek Squirtles would be the best choice. Sure we could let him survive and eventually Seritinajii could change his role, but in doing so we run the risk of him being killed and ILS being activated (something we probably want to avoid doing). I'd rather play it safe and not waste the first day, so I'm going with I liek Squirtles.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 1]

Joking about things in a game of mafia is just honestly stupid. And 'clearly' a joke is debatable.

Also, you do realize I was not 'jumping' on anyone; I didn't exactly nominate him, did I? I simply pointed out what an idiotic thing it was to say. Which, you know, it is.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 1]

Looks like there's not much I can do about the death of I liek Squirtles, so I'll just vote to lynch him, then. I liek Squirtles it is. Learn from this: don't say you're an alien!!

Also, I don't think Wargle or Derpy Hooves are really suspicious at all. It's not really very significant.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 1]

I'm going to say that I don't trust Seri, because at this point alien deactivator is the safest role you could possibly claim-- your role is more or less useless when our alien is dead.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 1]

I'm going to say that I don't trust Seri, because at this point alien deactivator is the safest role you could possibly claim-- your role is more or less useless when our alien is dead.

Then how would I know about all of the stage 4 details?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 1]

Well, you could have made them up. I really doubt you did, though, honestly, especially considering you were the only person who argued to keep ILS alive, which would require you to prove your role.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 1]

The Stage 4 details were the critical part of your argument to keep ILS alive ("I can deactivate him at any moment!" isn't even worth considering imo), so it would make sense to spend more time on it. Permanent de-alienation is probably a logical extension of that role anyhow. But yeah, I'm willing to buy that you're the deactivator - it's just not a good enough reason, particularly if we couldn't be sure ILS would be de-alienated tonight.

And not hugely suspicious of Wargle or Derpy Hooves at the moment, either, for the record.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 1]

Final vote count:
1 Karkat Vantas
3 abstain
15 I liek Squirtles

They're still arguing when the sun begins to dip below its zenith, talking in circles, repeating themselves and leveling accusations that run the spectrum from baseless to valid to paranoid. They almost don't hear him speak up, especially after he'd been quiet for so long: “Uh, hi! I don't want any trouble and I want to help, so I just thought I'd let you know that, uh, my name is Emil and I have a secret...”

It's amazing, really, how the prospect of total annihilation by a bitter elder god has a way of giving a confused, arguing group some instant common ground. He only gets halfway through his secret before the first scream rings out through the streets: “Kill him!” In seconds more than half of the others have taken up the cry, their previous disagreements all but forgotten and everyone all but the best of friends in the face of this more immediate threat.

I liek Squirtles says nothing in his defense. Perhaps he's willing to accept his apparent guilt, or, as is more likely, he's stunned into silence by the sudden and overwhelming hostility. (He was only trying to help! What gives?) Whatever the reason, there is no struggle when they drag him out to the smear of blood where Negrek's corpse had been until recently. Seritinajii tries to calm the others down, insisting that Squirtles might better learn to be a helpful Vanguard-hunter if they just give him some time alone with the kid, but the mob will not be dissuaded and in the end he is forced to look on as Wargle does the deed. “Good-bludgeony-night, scum,” she snarls, and after two minutes' overenthusiastic work with a large stick Squirtles is unrecognizable and very definitely bludgeonsleeping. No one thinks to comment on how her witty one-liner might've been more appropriate for an actual Vanguard member's execution; they're a little too preoccupied with the fact that they can taste breakfast again.

I liek Squirtles is dead. He was not mafia.

Day will begin in ~52 hours (I'm ending day while in class and should probably be paying attention to that instead of rereading/counting your posts, so you get a bit of extra time) or when all actions are in.

And just as a friendly reminder, you do not have actions/powers/rainbow sparkles until I say so. It's kind of hilarious how confident some of you guys are without even waiting for my judgment on the matter. Sit back and watch as I crush your dreams

(tehSR, could you click the "join game" link at the bottom of the player list here, just for completeness's sake? It should be there now if it wasn't before. Thanks.)
Last edited:
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [NIGHT 1]

Right, quick apology. Turns out I wasn't able to get through the counting as fast as I would've liked (lesson learned: keep a running tally during the day rather than waiting, dumbass), so the progression PMs will be going out shortly after I wake up at a semi-reasonable hour in the morning. I'll extend the deadline a bit further to accommodate that when I send the PMs. Sorry for the delay, and they should be out before noon my time.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [NIGHT 1]

The last of the evolution notices should be out. Sorry for the wait. Day will begin in 48 hours from the time of this post, or when all actions are in.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 2]

"Morning again! Yesterday sure was fun, wasn't it? It always makes me smile to see my adoring fans guessing wildly about when and where I shall next make a glorious appearance! Will it be at your house? Or how about yours, you over there? It's like a fabulous game, and I only wish that I could be everywhere at once so as not to disappoint you all!

Oh, and, uh, right. We're still going to keep killing you guys and stuff. But I know you're all down with that, because you'd all die for me anyway, right? Such is the hallmark of a true fan, after all!

Much love,

The Vanguard High Command ♥"

This morning's letter is... different. It isn't so much the drastic change in tone, or even the laughable assumption that the gathered heroes are this lunatic's "fans". It's more... more that it seems just a little too... upbeat for the Vanguard, considering the circumstances.

The circumstances in question are the body of Chief Zackrai, positioned almost defiantly beneath a lamppost that sports one of the bizarre letters. His clothes are an ugly shade of muddy brown; if it weren't for the nasty-looking open wound on his chest, they'd probably have thought he'd fallen asleep in a swamp. But there is a nasty-looking open wound, and near it, also revealed by his torn clothing, is what looks like one of the letters from the day before.

An original copy of the letter.

"Then... maybe... maybe they wrote the letter before... uh...?" Legendaryseeker99 gestures unhelpfully toward Zackrai's body. It's as good a guess as any, and about as much thought as they're able to give it before they hear InvaderSyl cry out in shock.

All she'd wanted was a little breakfast, really. She'd only gone to the shop to grab something to eat, and then oh my god oh my god holy shit is that Derpy Hooves why is he pinned to the door next to one of the letters and there's blood all the blood everywhere is blood oh my goooood. Grate Aural Sects and Jack_the_PumpkinKing have to drag her bodily away from the shopfront before she passes out in a fit of histrionic hyperventilation, back toward where the others are waiting by the other, much more reassuring, dead body.

Clearly there will be no breakfast today.

Chief Zackrai is dead. He was mafia.

Derpy Hooves is dead. He was not mafia.

Forty-eight hours for discussion.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 2]

So it sounds like a possible lovers? Or maybe vig kill and regular Mafia kill?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 2]

Ooh! Things are getting interesting. ... I was expecting Karkat to target me for bothering him last day 8( but it seems like you were telling the truth.

Karkat, did you kill either of them? Certainly looks like Mafia + Vig/Serial Killer to me. What a lucky strike for the vig if they hit the Mafia... less so for an innocent death, but eh, one Mafia down. We can't really complain! ... Hm. What if it was ONLY Serial Killer and Vig kills? Those two players might have already levelled up. Any thoughts?

What do you mean no breakfast!! I'm still hungry. :(
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 2]

Doubt it's lovers - how would Chief Zackrai position the Chiefself (...), or Derpy Hooves pin himself?

I'd say going by Kratos's comments that Karkat, amongst others, didn't level up to uninhibited killing, and also had no reason to target either, right? So I'd say serial killer + mafia... though it is also quite possible that the mafia targeted Karkat but they were blocked by a doctor.

Also, possibly different tone of letter = new leader?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 2]

Doubt it's lovers - how would Chief Zackrai position the Chiefself (...), or Derpy Hooves pin himself?

Also there are no lovers in this game, iirc.

I'd say going by Kratos's comments that Karkat, amongst others, didn't level up to uninhibited killing, and also had no reason to target either, right?

Well, he was going to target someone to prove his role, and he said he would be able to kill one innocent without killing himself even at level two. Chief Zackrai only had two (not particularly contributory) posts and in one of them he voted to lynch Kam, so maybe that would be a reason to target him? Let's just wait to hear from Kam, I guess. Then we can narrow down the causes of the two deaths, and if Kam didn't kill either of them, we'll know that the Serial Killer has most probably levelled up enough to start killing (since it would most likely be Mafia kill and SK kill in that case).
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 2]

Ah, didn't remember that he'd agreed to it. Also I just remembered that the uninhibited killing was at 9 posts or something, and Karkat has 19. Probably at least half the posts would be considered contributory.

Although, really, it's also possible Chief Zackrai was the serial killer/Aqua/Richter.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 2]

Also, possibly different tone of letter = new leader?

Oh, that's definitely likely - so we're probably looking at the 'unblockable kills' dude dead, right, since they have priority, right? Hm! That's better than I thought!

Hm, missing Karkat seems likely... so the Serial Killer has definitely levelled up then? ... Sigh. I guess we'll have to wait for Karkat to appear, then. Unusual that he isn't dead after so brazenly roleclaiming o_O (Unless of course our Alice has targeted him).
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 2]

And if Zackrai was the leader, he (?) wouldn't have had enough posts for any unblockable kills or anything last night either. Perhaps not the best plan, since the vigilante roleclaimed pretty early and the mafia should want to have a guaranteed kill. But maybe he'd need to get to Lv 2 and considered it unlikely and not worth it, or they had some different plan.

(Seriously, though.)

And yeah, Karkat'd be an obvious target for doctors - and if the RNGods got mad they couldn't doctorise Kratos, they'd totally go for Negrek, making him safe from clashes! - so we shouldn't be too suspicious of him yet.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 2]

Aww, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Maybe Yggdrasil at work?
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