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Tales of Tcod

EVIL AWESUM GREEN MUDKIP WHO IS BEING TORTURED BY MANY POGEYMANZ. YOU GO TO SAVE IT." Skymin agreed and went to the north. She found the Mudkip, and saved it. The Mudkip...
...thanked Skymin, and asked her if she lieked it. With a mighty "YEEEEEEEES!" she threw the Mudkip down on the ground in victory. It promptly exploded and rematerialized into the form of...
a Drag Cave link. Skymin picked it up and won a free Vampire dragon. It suddenly turned into a Feraligatr, and....
At which point a portal opened, and Exo-Raikou from the furtur stepped out. He warned Skymin that something would happen soon that could potentially change the future, which was currently...
guys, let's revive this thread, it looks fun

...to make it into a world where only the brave could...
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