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Tales of the Fanclub

We've gotten so far in Vesperia that I'm just really confused.

We met
Judith (also known as "that dragon freak), who is amazing.
I have Phantasia for GBA, but I haven't played in a while. I want to get Suzu, but I can't beat that stupid golem-thing in the coliseum. >:(

Abyss is my favorite <3
If only it was that easy. D= My brother owns the 360, so I have to ask for his permission. Sucks.

Also, lol. If it's just a standard-type golem, smash it with skills that keep a small distance and let you regain control fast (ie: Aeigis Strike, Demon Fang, Distortion Blade, Hell Pyre).
We re-united with everybody now; I was just waiting for Judy to say, "I'm a dragon rider," and for Rita to punch her in the face. XP
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Um, you might wanna put that in spoiler tags...

I had to restart my file...It sucked. However, finished up the desert, and I'm off for Bellius!
Seriously, Arche is the coolest character ever, followed by PResea. In fact, Phantasia puts the most character development into the characters, even though it's the oldest.
Nah, definitely fact. =D. So many side-quest/extras make it awesome.

Is Destiny any good. I'm thinking about getting it.
Well, I guess I can't say anything till I beat Phantasia ^^

Tales of Destiny is with...Stahn? I think. Either way, I wanna play, too :(
My brother and I are making some ToS Magic cards~ When we finish with the set, I'll post 'em here.
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