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Tales of the Fanclub

Oh, I assumed they just joined in randomly. However, I've had monsters of varying affinities join in the same unison attacks, like my Basilisk and Fenrir. And I use Mystic Artes nowadays, anyway.
Oh, well, other monsters may jump in to give it a bit of a power boost. Unison attacks are easier to pull off than Mystic Artes, though, and you can fire them off two at a time. Properly executed after a nice combo, you can rack up a lot of hits, and do more damage. Plus, they cancel out an enemy using magic, so you can just keep Alice from casting, and your golden!
A single Mystic Arte does more damage than two unison attacks in my experience, though, and it stops Alice from casting as well, admittedly half as much as two unison attacks, but you're suggesting pulling off two unison attacks one after the other anyways, and as long as I direct all my attacks at Alice, that shouldn't be a problem, should it?
I still haven't even figured out how to do unison attacks... I'm so ashamed. :x

I got the crap ending the first time, so I had to reset and do that last part over... Man, my sister was bawling! If I hadn't tried again right then and there I would've been dead.

Also, I thought Decus and Alice were harder than the last battle... It took me like six tries (maybe more!) to beat them cos Alice kept healing herself... And I dunno. They beat me up real good. So I levelled up a little bit more and I destroyed them! >:D
Phew, I finally beat them. I had to go on a truckload of quest to gain enough experience, as well as finding the ingredients for the "Demonic Torment" sword. I think that the main thing that decided my victory, however, was that I found out that those tomes that teach Artes and skills were actually for monsters! Joy.

Edit: I just beat the game, and I think I got the good ending, though it was quite sad...that final battle it supposed to be unbeatable, right? I mean, I stopped Richter, chose to attack the fake Lloyd, lost in the second-to-last battle like Animorph said (doubt I could have won if I wanted, anyway), but lost in the battle after it. It seemed unbeatable, but since it was the last battle and all I suppose it could've made sense for it to be that tough...But I remember seeing something about choosing people to travel with you or something after the game is over somewhere. Is it possible to play post-endgame somehow, or was that a lie?

Anyways, uh, could somebody recommend me some good Tales games on the Wii, DS, Gamecube, or GBA to me, and tell me why? (Other than the original Tales of Symphonia, which I will definitely be getting!)
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Uhm Cinderpelt, I didn't read that post fully because I think it contained spoilers. If it did, could you, um, please spoiler-tag them? ^^; I kind of don't want to have ToS2 spoiled for me before I play it.

Um. Anyway. ATTENTION ToS FANS. You have to read this fanfiction. Period. Seriously.
I can't beat the light temple I got past the fight w/ Alice (i dunno who Decus is...) then opened that door but I dunno where to go from there
oh, and, can I sign up!
A single Mystic Arte does more damage than two unison attacks in my experience, though, and it stops Alice from casting as well, admittedly half as much as two unison attacks, but you're suggesting pulling off two unison attacks one after the other anyways, and as long as I direct all my attacks at Alice, that shouldn't be a problem, should it?

It would probably depend on the unison attack and the characters and monsters involved, just as it would depend on the individual arte. I only know approximately how hard Emil's hits because I never really play as Marta and the computer never uses them (no matter how much it might've helped all those times in the third to last battle when Regal was the only freaking person alive... seriously, dude, you were never actually even dying once throughout that battle, you could've done me a favor and nailed the jerk!). Besides, since both stop casting anyway, wouldn't you rather stop her twice and do slightly less damage than stop her once? The mystic artes are probably better used on Decus, who has that annoying Sturm und Drang arte and more HP/better defenses and so needs to be killed off real damn quick once Alice is gone.

I still haven't even figured out how to do unison attacks... I'm so ashamed. :x

I got the crap ending the first time, so I had to reset and do that last part over... Man, my sister was bawling! If I hadn't tried again right then and there I would've been dead.

Also, I thought Decus and Alice were harder than the last battle... It took me like six tries (maybe more!) to beat them cos Alice kept healing herself... And I dunno. They beat me up real good. So I levelled up a little bit more and I destroyed them! >:D

When your red unison gauge is at least half full, press the C button to use the attack on your targeted enemy. The more full the bar is, the more damage you will generally do; using it with a full gauge only uses up half of it, so you can generally pull off two in a row before you need a full recharge. As Animorph said, if at least one circle in the elemental grid is aligned with one of your party members (be it Marta, a return character or a monster), that party member will join the attack and possibly change its element to their own rather than the initiator's--so if you start an attack with Emil it'll be the dark Devil's Maw, but if Genis and an ice monster help you it'll become Avalanche or whatever it's called. The more party members help you, the higher the attack's "movement" (the way it says "The First Movement", "The Second Movement", etc.). There's a bit more to it than that, but yeah. At first, all you need to remember is that you just press C.

...at least, I hope I remember it being C. :/

I don't remember whether it took me more tries to beat Alice and Decus or the third to last boss, but I do remember the third to last boss seeming harder. I do know that I never had to go back and train some more for anything; I always felt that I was pretty much at the right level for everything. What levels are you guys when you're attempting these things (other than the returning characters, of course, who'll be at level 50 anyway)? Maybe all the times I lost were just crappy luck, then. Crappy luck and lack of Regal.

Phew, I finally beat them. I had to go on a truckload of quest to gain enough experience, as well as finding the ingredients for the "Demonic Torment" sword. I think that the main thing that decided my victory, however, was that I found out that those tomes that teach Artes and skills were actually for monsters! Joy.

Edit: I just beat the game, and I think I got the good ending, though it was quite sad...that final battle it supposed to be unbeatable, right? I mean, I stopped Richter, chose to attack the fake Lloyd, lost in the second-to-last battle like Animorph said (doubt I could have won if I wanted, anyway), but lost in the battle after it. It seemed unbeatable, but since it was the last battle and all I suppose it could've made sense for it to be that tough...But I remember seeing something about choosing people to travel with you or something after the game is over somewhere. Is it possible to play post-endgame somehow, or was that a lie?

Anyways, uh, could somebody recommend me some good Tales games on the Wii, DS, Gamecube, or GBA to me, and tell me why? (Other than the original Tales of Symphonia, which I will definitely be getting!)

No, you aren't "supposed" to lose; I beat the last boss, and it wasn't that hard, actually. :/ I just had to keep using Lemon Gels. I actually got rid of the boss before I could even get off a mystic arte (which was mildly annoying because I totally wanted to nail them with it). Maybe you were still slightly underleveled?

I haven't gone back and tried anything yet, but so far I don't think there's a postgame. I heard the same thing, though, so don't take my word for it.

The only current Nintendo releases are ToS, ToS2 and the Tales of Phantasia remake for GBA, although I have been told repeatedly that it isn't very good and you're better off looking for a fan-translated ROM of the SNES version.

Uhm Cinderpelt, I didn't read that post fully because I think it contained spoilers. If it did, could you, um, please spoiler-tag them? ^^; I kind of don't want to have ToS2 spoiled for me before I play it.

Um. Anyway. ATTENTION ToS FANS. You have to read this fanfiction. Period. Seriously.

No, actually, there's only one there that could potentially be a spoiler, and I suppose it isn't that bad out of context. Still, Cinderpelt, just to be safe, you might want to spoilertag the fake Lloyd part.

I'm not reading that if there's shipping/romance in it. Is there?

I can't beat the light temple I got past the fight w/ Alice (i dunno who Decus is...) then opened that door but I dunno where to go from there
oh, and, can I sign up!

I would offer you some help but, as usual, I have completely forgotten, like, most of the strategic/puzzle solving details, except for a few at the end of the game, already. Curse this CRS, curse it to hell. D<
There is not, in fact, 'shipping or romance, thankfully. (Well, Lloyd and Colette are engaged, but the romance aspect of that is given no attention whatsoever.) Just... a ton of angst, basically. =D
Er...can I join? We got Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World for Christmas and my dad's playing the former right now. ^^

Of course, I'm just in my "oh my God even the battle scenes are cute!" phase, but still.
I didn't know, but since when were Lloyd and Colette engaged? I pay attention to almost every detail in Symphonia and Dawn of the New World and I don't even know this.
Um... I said they were engaged in the fanfiction I linked to. I might have to shoot someone if they were engaged in the actual games. x3
First, my computer was being stupid and not letting me read the fanfiction, but now it lets me. Yay!

And, second, why would you want to shoot someone if lloyd and colette were really engaged? It's not that bad.
Because I hate having annoying canon pairings shoved in my face like that? :D
Well, honestly, they do not necessarily love each other. o.o They are clearly very, very close to each other, but there is nothing outright romantic between them; in fact, I'd say they're both too oblivious to notice such a thing anyway. xD To be honest, I personally think even Sheena/Lloyd has more basis in canon, as it's very obvious that Sheena has romantic feelings for Lloyd as opposed to just the general close friendship blurring slightly into love between Lloyd and Colette.

Um, that's just my opinion though. And I'm a Lloyd/Zelos 'shipper anyway so I can't really talk about what's canon and what isn't. I just wanted to say that, even though I realize Lloyd/Colette is technically "the canon 'ship", they are not actually together in canon. That's all. ^_^

So um. On a different subject... is anyone interested in joining a Tales of Symphonia roleplay on Gaia? We're... kind of desperately in need of party members (Zelos is all alooone... D:), so if anyone would like to come roleplay with us... :D? It's fun, I promise~ Roleplay is here in case you're interested.
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Eh, I'm a Colloyd shipper. I've nothing against any other ships*Minus those about Regal, with the exception of Alicia* but I just like it. It's so warm and fluffy, and, well...maybe it's a matter of perception. However, I don't dislike any other ships involving Lloyd...except, of course, Regal...and maybe Presea.

On another note, if you could replace any character in the party with any other character in any other fandom, who would it be?
Butbutbut... I like all the party characters. D: Well, except for Colette who I hate and Kratos who I have this weird like-hate relationship with, but it just wouldn't be the same without all of them.
I have ships I like and ships I don't, but I don't mind at all when people support/dislike other ships; but like Salamander, it bugs me a little when ships are forced down your throat by the game itself.

The best games hint at a little of everthing and leave it up to whoever wants to read into stuff :D

(though I'll admit here that Regal/Presea disturbs me because she's (for all intents and purposes) twelve)
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