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Tales of the Fanclub

yeah sorry for the semi-bump but just when I wanted to post here it was dying. ^^;

Tales of Vesperia. We started playing it and so far it is amazing.
Oh yah...I like that song. It's nice. As is the rest of the game. A tiny bit lax on backstory for most of the people, but nice.
Yes, indeed.

Good God Zagi pops up everywhere. (he's such a psycho it's hilarious.)
Ooh, I love Vesperia. ^^
I'm at the final dungeon, but I've been lazy and haven't played in a while XD

Anyone else notice Flynn looks a lot like Guy from Tales of the Abyss...?
Yah...Karol reminds me of Lloyd. With the hair and the intelligence.

Also, I have done it. I've found someone who ships Regal and Sheena. And provided valid reasons for the shipping. So I have found almost every main party straight pairings. I just need Genis and Sheena, and my collection is complete. *I don't count Genis and Raine, of course...ick.*
Conversation like this is why I don't post here more. >>;

But yes, Flora, ToS2 is good and you should get around to playing it.
Can't; my dad would kill me. He's in charge of the RPGs around here.

Also we beat up the thing in the destroyed city and I discovered that Rita is absolutely amazing. (Better gameplay-wise than Karol, who I'm usually stuck playing)
Repede is my best character :D
I suck so bad with Karol. He's too slow for me :/

I went ebay-wild buying ToA figurines the other day~ XD If I feel like it I might grab a Zelos while I'm at it...
Now for a short interlude involving my brother's crazy ToS theories. This one came about after he saw me playing farther in the game than he was and saw Mithos. ("Wait, that's a guy? I thought that was Colette!") Apparently this was enough to spawn a new theory...

His logic: Yggdrasill can't possibly be the real big bad; there has to be a man behind the man behind the man, right? Therefore, he believes that the real big bad has to be someone he hasn't met yet; and he thinks it's Mithos. Furthermore, he believes that Mithos is actually 4000 years old and actually the ancient hero; and, by extension, that Kratos and Yuan are also at least 4000 years old.

...yes. Make of that what you will. I thought it was rather worth sharing.
I'm well into a second playthrough of Dawn of the New World and am at the part just before you go to see Verius. I'm mostly just fiddling around with the sidequests I didn't know existed on my first playthrough, (and only know about at this point due to online walkthroughs that I didn't want to use on my first playthrough) and am about to enter the Twilight Palace. I think I'll put off Gladsheim until my third playthrough, by which time I'll hopefully have bought EXPx10. This also gives me a chance to see the normal ending! (Still don't know who Kratos is but apparently I get a chance to see him soon?)
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Aahh, I finally got around to beating Vesperia last night. Love love love love~ :D

Your brother is good at theory-making. >>
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