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Tales of the Fanclub

Oh, he's so cool (better comment actually on DA). I haven't done any ToS fanart in aaaaages (unless you cound drawing Kratos of the OS). I should remedy that.
Awesomesauce right there, Salamander. The creepy eyes are quite pretty.

Speaking of which, I'm tempted to draw Sheena or Zelos. Or both.
Well, I just had to get a blinkie for myself... :3

And omfg Remiel. In the words of my sister: POSSESSED. POSSESSED.
Good job on his clothes pattern-thing... I suck at those. :P

And I'm a little late, but I finally beat ToS2 last night. I liked it a lot, it was good! But I still think the first one is better~ I actually had to reset because I screwed up and got the bad ending, so...yeah. o.O
Join us, don't be afraid! =D Yeah, I was squinting at a reference for like half an hour to get the designs on that dress right.

Nonsensical titles? My title makes sense. (I think?)
So. Um.

I made a video today, using the ToS manga. It was just a test video, to see how the program worked, but... I'd kind of like some critique on it, so my next videos can be better. Be gentle, okay?

"Somewhere Beyond This" (Google Video killed the quality but oh well...)
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Here in my lap... Tales of Vesperia Special Edition. Holy cheese wheels... So beautiful. @_@
My sister's busy playing Katamari on the 360, though. :P

I'll check out the video, Sal. (your new name)
aaaaah I want to play other Tales of Games but I can't D:

And yay, I have a new nickname~

Um, so... I'm kind of insane, so I, uh, made another video. This one is called "Call My Name", and it is here. If anyone, you know, is interested in giving me critique on it. =3
Hey, Sal's a cool name, but I recommend calling you Salamander. It just doesn't feel right to call somebody Sal.
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