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Tales of the Fanclub

I don't think anyone's using any of the blinkies (other than Dannichu, who is using Raine). Have at them.
Eeeeeeee Mithosmithosmithos~ =D Yayness.

(no do not ask me how I am this sugar-high when I just got up)
...they do? That's kind of random. xD Why were you zooming in on them?

Ooh, we have Raine, Genis, Sheena and Mithos now~ =D Two summoners and three half-elves! Yaaaay.

I'm on my fourth playthrough now (I know, I'm a total freak Dx), and I've pretty much lost my enthusiasm. Must... get through Asgard Ranch... so I can be best friend with Presea... Arrrrgh I want a Wii and ToS2 but not going to happen.
According to my game record, I've played through 9 times now. I'm still doing my pathetic thing of trying to make everyone use all their techs 999 times and it's going pretty well, although I know what Salamander means about the losing enthusiasm for the puzzles.

I also want to complete the Figuring Book/Monster Manual/Collectors Book, though in order to do the latter, I'm gonna need to make Colette like me enough to have a Flanoir scene with me, so she'll give me her item (Snow Bunny or something?), and currently she's the character who likes me least X)
...you got Colette to hate you. =| I envy you so, so much. (Well, she's never been in my top three, but the only ones who ever hate me are Regal and Genis. D:)

SO GUYS GUESS WHAT. I found the best fanfiction EVER. Just be careful not to kill yourself laughing.
Oh, I enjoyed that. Needed more Raine, but Elphie!Kratos was amusing enough for me X)

Colette still loves me - according to the Triet Fortune Teller she's my soulmate - but she likes me least of everyone. I blame this on the fact that during every playthrough I fly around finding everyone's on-field skits and deliberately mess up only Colette's.
No, I don't think there is ):

Tales of Phantasia's on the GBA, but I don't like it very much... it's too hard >(
Symphonia would be absolutely excellent on the DS, but given that they don't push the Tales games too much outside of Japan (and certainly not in Europe), it doesn't look very likely.
The only ones I can find on Wikipedia are the apparently Japan-only Tales of Innocence and Tales of Hearts. =/

The skits make people dislike you? :D I did not know that.
No, they don't (sadly), but if you give the correct answers to everyone but Colettle, everyone else's happiness with you will go up except hers.

I don't think you can really do much to actually lower Colette's happiness except be mean to Sheena and Presea during the story.
Now we just need to get the rest of the party together~ *pokes Kratos* How much can I bribe you to pick up the Zelos avatar again?
But that's my NaNo avatar and I'm still sitting around like a stunned bunny because I actually finished. D:
Hehe...happy fun times.

*Replaying through Dawn of the New World again* Attack, my canine minions! Strike down thy foes with thy mighty X2 experience! Onwards! *Evil cackle*

Must...find...out...what...an...orion...is...and...evolve...my padfoot...into...one.
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