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TCoD: The Café of Doom

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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom


Dude, that's waaaaaaay too much information...

Holy crud. if Goldara is disgusted, then that's TMI, hands down.

Since when did you come alive again?!

Since I faked my death, not actually died.


Well, that was close.


Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Erindor suddenly realised that he had been standing in the middle of nowhere during the battle (While zoning out) and had not yet been attacked.

"What the...? Alright, here I come!" *Blasts back into the battle*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

*chucks some major rupeeage at @lex* That's how. I have an endless wallet full of those o_0

So, I really need to burn some of those...

I could use some!

Sure. *hands half the wallet to Vira*

And just like that, I'm riiich!

What did you do to those rupees?

Cursed them so she can't use them

Oh you're baaad.


Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Hi guys! What did I miss? *sees random smash ball from a couple posts ago*
*uses pound a bazillion times on the smash ball*
*two large speakers fall from the sky (and land on top of someone) and I belt out a long, damaging scream*
Whoa, that was the coolest move I have ever done!
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Well, I only lost everything I had on me, nothing more...

But if you insist! :D *grabs Rupees*

...dang, I don't have a wallet ;_; I'll just go grab one from behind the counter or something...

Hm, this is for coins... I'm sure it works anyway *stuffs wallet with Rupees*

Heh, I'll brb...
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Lita, wake up.

must... fake... own... death...

*facepalm* Vira, I bet I can beat you in a drinking contest.

You're on! *drinks two cups* Eat that, fool!

Will do so gladly. *drinks ten cups* Eat my glittery dust!

*facepalm* Thank god someone swapped the beer with water...
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

*comes back, dressed in shimmering clothes with hexagon pattern*

So, uh, this tailor wanted the Rupees to make me some clothes, and I thought "yeah, why not, I don't need all this money anyway"... Little did I suspect that he wanted to make the clothes OUT OF the Rupees!

I know I look very girly in this... Aren't I absolutely GORGEOUS? :D Lookie, he made a dress from the green Rupees, a hat from the red ones, boots from the blue, and even a scarf from the purple! Maybe a tad colorful, but hey!

Oh, but it is hard and heavy. I'm not gonna run around in this. Not that people run around in dresses anyway.

Now, I'm gonna charm my way into the boys restroom, which I totally don't have access to anymore!

*heads for closest mirror*

Oh, I bought a make-up kit for the spare Rupees. Figure! *make-ups*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

*jaw drops* Dude, I'll totally buy that from you for like, ten thousand rupees and I'll give you this huge wardrobe that I stole!

Oh god no. *drinks ten cups*

I see what you mean. *drink twenty cups*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

DEAL! *gives you ten thousand rupees* *drinks more cups*

ORLY?! I'm not going down easily! *drinks more*

Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

This could end badly.

*wakes up, still Berserk* What happened?

Um... Look in a mirror. >>

*stares* I want that outfit it is sparkly.

*looks in a mirror* ... *screams*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

I want that outfit. It's frickin' made of frickin' shiny RUPEES that I frickin' gave him.

NUUU MINE *lunges for stack of ten cups*


Actually you didn't, Vira....


Okay okay you don't have to scream at me in unison....
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Oh, please, boys. There's enough @lex for all of you ^.~

Right now, though, I really want to play Wii *sets off to Brawl*

All right, how about a Team Battle? :D
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

I'm not a boy D:

But you like girls.

Yeah, and? I might be a lesbian but I ain't a boy. >>

Both of you shut UP...

nuuu someone get me out of this form DDDDDDDDDDDDD;
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Course you are. Everyone's boy for a shimmering lady.

*pwns Galleom on Intense* AWRIGHT.
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