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TCoD: The Café of Doom

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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Yes, gee don't shoot the sort of not really innocent people!

For safety I am now riding Lavender at all times and keeping up a constant Barrier.
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Uh? Hello? Health inspector here to make sure this café is up to standards. And to make sure none of the tea is poisoned.
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Because you look and sound suspicious. I need to try this "tea" and "cod" which in the first ten seconds I realized it's the initials of this café. Very smart and suspicious . . .
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

So... Whats your point? *Srsly do you take bribes?*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Ahahah! No. I'm afraid I am QUITE certain. No amount of ANYTHING will bribe me, as I've trained in the arts of anti-bribery.
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

*watches people grab the health inspector*

Well, there goes a chance to bring some order to this place. Sigh.

*swipes a glass of hot water with sugar*

And we seriously need to get new drinks. We only have water left...

Anyway, I got myself a new friend! *throws out PokéBall*


Yeah. You go play around and Ice Beam anyone who's acting funny, kay?

Gon? Air.

...wait, what are you talking about, you don't know Ice Beam? o_o'
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Glalie, go show him a real ice beam! "Freezes himself"
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

*walks in*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

o rly? *reverses time so that never happened*

Hmmm... I don't have hot chocolate, Evoli, but I have popcorn from the forum games. *throws*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

A hot chocolatini, eh? M'kay.
*puts a buncha stuff in a cup that tastes like chocolate*
Also, can I have some rabid possoms...I needs an army as payment..xD
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