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TCoD: The Café of Doom

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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Corn around a sausage is something that my school serves. As disgusting as it sounds, I still eat it. And I bring homelunch. That's one of the good things about that meal, nobody wants it... but then they get pizza.

Yes, but the corn was IN the sausage *shudder*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Not turkey bacon! That's good for you, and besides, I don't eat greasy or fatty bacon. Only nice crisp, lean bacon with little or no grease......bacon........=3=3=3=3=3=3
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Anyway. Can we change the subject of bacon. Its awesome and all but lets talk aboyt something thats equeally as awesome. Behold the Splork!
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

I said imo. The last boss fight was way disappointing for me, though I did enjoy the way they did the credits =D

Oh, I get it now. Yeah, I agree. The final boss was pretty pathetic.

On topic...I'm having trouble sorting my sporks. I mean...do they go with the spoons or the forks? GAH!
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

On topic...I'm having trouble sorting my sporks. I mean...do they go with the spoons or the forks? GAH!

Cut your sporks in half. Put one half with the spoons and the other with the forks.

...why does Firefox not recognise the word "spork"? This... is an OUTRAGE.
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