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TCoD WSC: Week 3


New member

Theme: Super Effective Switch Up

Medium: Re-Type

Ok, this week will be a re-type week. Just take one Pokemon of your choice and change its type to a type that its weak against. (EX: Change Charmander to a water type)

Get started on those entries!
The entry:


I provided it with a white background and transparency. This thing took longer than I thought it would, but that was mainly figuring out how to make the buildings look right.

In case it wasn't obvious enough, it's an Electric/Steel-Type Torterra.
I'm sorry, but your entry doesn't fit this week's theme, superyoshi888. The contest was to change a Pokemon to a type that its weak against. Torterra isn't weak against electric or steel types.
Aww, I'll have to make a new sprite for this one. But count me in.

EDIT: Nevermind, I've just been assigned to a very time-consuming task...
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Just to let everyone know, you all have until Monday to submit entries due to the fact that I am going on vacation until then. Next week's contest will start on Tuesday but still end on a Sunday so it will be an easier week.

I hope this isn't TOO much of a change from my base Pokemon. Fire/Dark Type Exeggutor. Just barely 80x80.

See you guys in a week!
First try: a Water Hippowdon.


I don't have Photoshop (or anything more advanced than Paint, for that matter) so I can't make the background transparent, sorry.

Used Quagsire's colors for Hippowdon and the Surfing battle background's colors for the water around it.
Poor Sableye and Spiritomb. =<


Ice/Water Cradily. Ice is super effective against both types (more specifically, grass), and water is super effective against rock.
This contest is already being voted on. Umbreon Rules, please check other threads before posting in them.
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