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TCoD WSC: Week 7


New member

Theme: Final Stage

Medium: Devamp/Scratch

Time for a different kind of week. This week take a sprite from D/P style and make it look like RBY style (First Generation). This means that you have to use a Pokemon from the third or fourth generation. The only thing is that it has to be a fully evolved Pokemon. Pokemon that do not evolve do not count.

Keep in mind that a devamp from the first generation usually consists of two shades of one color along with black and white.

Happy spriting!
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@アルセウス七: Actually I would prefer if you ask questions. That way we can get things cleared up so more people can enter. In the future, feel free to ask away.

@Andalite191: wolftamer9 is right Alakazam would not be an accepted entry. Your Pokemon of choice must be a third or fourth generation as well as a final stage.
whoops, totally misread the first post the first time round xD
got distracted by the "scratch" bit and made a RB-style froslass.. hur.
-silly bean-
ah well, killed an afternoon.


done it properly properly now.. really ;;
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Uh, sorry but it looks like you should pay a little more attention to the guidelines: it has to be a fully evolved stage of a Pokemon that actually has an evolution line.
In case we want to shrink it to fit R/B/Y standards... how big are those sprites again? I forgots. 60 x 60 or something like that?

also something else is confusing me

whoops, totally misread the first post the first time round xD
got distracted by the "scratch" bit and made a RB-style froslass.. hur.
アルセウス七;321924 said:
Uh, sorry but it looks like you should pay a little more attention to the guidelines: it has to be a fully evolved stage of a Pokemon that actually has an evolution line.

Did I miss something? Froslass doesn't have an evolution line? It evolves from Snorunt guys
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