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TCoD WSC: Week 7


If it suck then its because its my first de-vamp but I have done plenty of re-vamps so.

Old and wise Torrterra might even win, who knows?

Hey? What about Week 6's contest? Who won? What happened to that?
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アルセウス七;321924 said:
Uh, sorry but it looks like you should pay a little more attention to the guidelines: it has to be a fully evolved stage of a Pokemon that actually has an evolution line.

Did I miss something? Froslass doesn't have an evolution line? It evolves from Snorunt guys

I think he said he originally made a frostlass scratch sprite R/B/Y style; without posting it, he realized he made a mistake and then did a Spiritomb. That was when it was pointed out by me that the Pokemon has to evolve.
アルセウス七;321992 said:
Alraunne said:
アルセウス七 said:
Uh, sorry but it looks like you should pay a little more attention to the guidelines: it has to be a fully evolved stage of a Pokemon that actually has an evolution line.

Did I miss something? Froslass doesn't have an evolution line? It evolves from Snorunt guys

I think he said he originally made a frostlass scratch sprite R/B/Y style; without posting it, he realized he made a mistake and then did a Spiritomb. That was when it was pointed out by me that the Pokemon has to evolve.

Oh wait I didn't realize it could also be scratched, so I guess he could have essentially used that Frostlass...

Edit: Oops, sorry for the double post.
Here's my entry...

I figured if anything needed a devamp it was Lickilicky, since Lickitung can learn Rollout as early as G/S/C and that's the only prerequisite for Lickitung to evolve into Lickilicky.
Completely scratch, I hope that's okay.

also, November11, you still have that Froslass? I'd like to see it just out of curiosity. I love Froslass.
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アルセウス七;321997 said:
Tropiking hasn't made the champion poll yet.

Oh, ok. Thanks. Oh, he's got them up now! And sadly, no one votes for Cynchichimamder except alakazam. *sniff* *sniff* I might cry and God bless alakazam. Lol!
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ah, so I could use the froslass?
it wasn't very good.. scratching isn't my forte but i guessed i could hide it behind RBG-deformed-ness :v'


would I be allowed to change my entry?
seeing as it is better than the quick drifblim recolour.. then again, it's what I spent more time on.

oh dear I have rather messed this whole entry thing up haven't I ><
I really do apologise.
oh shoot I'm almost late


56x56, reposed, the whole shebang
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Got it in on time....shrunk Drapion frame 2 sprite, making a few scratch edits(such as enlarging head) to fit R/B style, used colors from Weezing.

Procastination does not pay off folks. Remember that.
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