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The 0_o thread


Active member
This thread is for posing anything weird that happens to you. This is the insane form of the fwee and grr threads.

One time in the car I looked out the window and into another car and in the passenger seat was a body bag with possibly a body in it.

I got a email saying something about me and $800,000 WTF

Behind my house is another house. Its vacant but at night lights turn on
Uh, last week, I was walking home from school, when these two seventh graders grabbed me and kidnapped took me to my math teacher's classroom and she made me do math problems. Meanwhile, my parents were freaking out.

Last year, on a Friday the 13th, I had a science test. I usually suck at science and get C's. But on that test I got an A. And I took the test on Friday the 13th, the day that's s'pose to be unlucky. Maybe it's coz im born on halloween.

But it's insane in a good way.
Well, in disney my sis threw a coin onto the street and a grown man picked it up and showed it to all his friends. o.o
Insane things... well.
Sodas hate me. Every time I open one, it spurts.
So I make my mom open them XD
Well there was:

*musicnote pencil falls on floor*
Latin Teacher: Oh, how was Florida?

(That's where I got the pencil but ssh.)
Well I wouldn't call this "weird" but well there does happen to be a portal to another world on the wall at the head of my bed...Might need some help with this one!
I had a creepy doll that looked like me when I was 5, I had it when I was 9 though, it kept looking at me so I would turn it around and go back to whatever it was I was doing, when I look over at the doll, it's looking at me AGAIN that doll was freaking possessed, so I gave it to my cousin, not bothering to tell her what it does, well I come to my cousins house like a year late and ask were the doll was, she had given it to her friend because it creeped the shit out of her x3 lol I wonder what her friend has done to it. XD
I was just in a Shoddy battle, and I was down 5-1...then I got lucky and managed to get a Taunt off with my Azelf and prevent my opponent's Bronzong from using Trick Room (Which until that point was screwing me over terribly). I then Exploded my Azelf and then brought out my last pokemon, Infernape. I swept his entire team.
So, my friend and I had nothing better to do after school. So we looked up Africa. Why? Because.

Jeanine: Oh, look, a PBS Kids link. *click*
Site: Website blocked. Reason for Blocking: Foprbidden Category: "Kid Friendly"

Weird shit happens to me everyday. Once I was messing with a sheildon coin I got from a premade deck pack when I dropped it and forever lost it. What, did it fall into a black hole or something? I just dropped it in the computer room and it's been missing ever since. XD
Weird shit happens to me everyday. Once I was messing with a sheildon coin I got from a premade deck pack when I dropped it and forever lost it. What, did it fall into a black hole or something? I just dropped it in the computer room and it's been missing ever since. XD

Ahaha that's happened to me more than once.

Although in one case, I think one of my games suddenly disappeared from my Gameboy.

And the time my sister trashed my room her friend (who had talked her into doing it) apparently hid one of my games somewhere... we still haven't found it, so sis had to buy me new game because she helped trash my room. She takes almost no responsibility for the trash now ("oh it was all my friend's idea, it's her fault, she talked me into it!"). Eh.
Well, i was trying to leave the games section here, and i had to refresh the page because this:
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="
Randomly appeared on my screen.

(I think Cellpadding is some sort of message)
haha oh god almost every day when I take the bus to school there's this crazy old lady who takes the same bus (me and my friends call her the "bus bitch"). She has this absolute obsession with being the first on the bus. I mean that literally, she will start screaming and yelling profanities if she isn't the first on.

One time, I was at the bus terminal, and the bus comes by. The bus bitch's there too, farther down the line. Now, to her surprise, the bus doesn't stop just because she's there. It goes past her, and she turns and starts running like she's being fucking chased by a cheetah or something. This girl ahead of me starts to step onto the bus, and the bus bitch starts pushing her onto the street to get through. It doesn't work, so the bitch calls her "a rude little bitch", then starts complaining to the bus driver, who basically says "what the hell did she do". She storms off mumbling something about respecting your elders. (Me and the girl exchanged looks of "wtf" after she passed us.)

Just today, something similar happened, except this time there were a bunch of people. She tries to charge through the crowd like a frigging bull, screaming "Get out of my way you assholes!" When she doesn't get through, she starts doing the "ah-HEM" thing to get their attention, and when she finally gets on she starts bitching to the bus driver. He's looking at her and nodding with a look that says "my god shut UP ALREADY".
Right, so I'm in Audacity (A sound remixing program), remixing the song This is Halloween, and after lowing the Pitch and Tempo and raising the Bass, it sounds absolutely demonic, I'm actually getting chills, which I usually don't do... That's a keeper.

Also, down here where I live, I saw someone going 90 in a 45 zone U-Turn in the middle of traffic. It was freaky, albeit funny.

AND, I just watched the Nostalgia Critic's Top 11 Mindfucks, which deserves a o.O or two.
Charizard Morph said:
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="
Randomly appeared on my screen.

(I think Cellpadding is some sort of message)


'Cellpadding' refers to the amount of space (pixels) between the borders of a table and the text you put in a table.
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