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The 74th Annual International Prime Cup

Can two people be from the same city? my birthblace (Chicago, Illinois, USA) has already been taken, sadly.

Name: Adam Cale
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hails From: Chicago, Illinois, USA/ a different city if need be.
Battle Theme: Decisive Battle! (Last Pokemon)


Personality: (may be PO)


Pokemon Team/Pokemon History: (list in the format of:

[name] species (gender) <ability>
Background (include how you got it)

No legendaries, and your Pokemon should be able to be found in the area from which your character lives of has lived, or have a good reason to be owned otherwise.)


(will finish tomorrow)
This is just to show I'm making progress on my form:

Name: Jack Sanner
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Hails From: Adelaide, Australia
Battle Theme: Adiemus - Adiemus


Personality: (may be PO)


Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Kali]Flygon (female) <Levitation>
One of two originally family pets, Kali was given to Jack as an egg for Jack's 5th birthday by his uncle, who lived in Coober Pedy, out north in the desert.

[Tanya]Milotic (female) <Marvel Scale>
Also originally a family pet, Tanya was caught as a Feebas on a fishing excursion with Jack's parents when Jack was 7. His father wanted to cook her, while his mother wanted to throw her back, but Jack convinced them to keep her.

[Coren]Scyther (male) <Technician>

[Chira]Scolipede (female) <Poison Point>

[Selma]Galvantula (female) <Unnerve>

[Dralon]Serperior (male) <Contrary>

What I'm about to say is a bit long-winded, is in no way a last-ditch attempt to get the three spectators and me, the late guy in, and has every right to be ignored. Having said that, let's move on:

In all the Real Life pokemon tournaments that I've been a member of (which happens to be a fairly decent amount) whenever there are twelve people involved (or any number that is not a direct factor of 8,) it is not elimination, for this sole reason:

12 -> Round 1 -> 6
6 -> Round 2 -> 3
At this point, two of the three would face each other, and the third guy would get a free pass to the finals. The managers never really saw that as fair, thus they eventually decided only to have elim. if the number of participants is 4, 8, 16, or so on.

If you want to go with that idea, then there would be four more slots open (leaving the three 'specs and me to join) and it would be a smoother tourney. If not, I understand, and will say no more.
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