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The 74th Annual International Prime Cup

Name: Alberta Marian Romero
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hails From: Antelope, California, USA
Battle Theme: "Id Engager" by Of Montreal

Appearance: Alberta has medium-length dark-auburn hair and brown eyes. She is a mix of Mexican/Caucasian, as she is tan and a little thick. She's around 5'7" and 110 lbs. Al wear a blue dress with a zipper down the front covered with white polka-dots and white leggings. She also wears a white sweater over it, and neon socks under her grey slip-on shoes. Alberta wears light makeup, only blue eyeliner and mascara. She also has braces that look very complicated.

Personality: Alberta is one of those girls that is deemed 'popular'. She talks with a slang and often refers to herself as a 'chola'. She hangs out with the kids who call themselves 'OG's' and is on the higher end of the food chain. She has a very tough outer exterior, but is really a big softie on the inside. Al has been known to do volunteer work at local soup kitchens and homeless shelters, and always places others before herself. She often talks on her phone to her best friend and 'little sister' C.W. Other than that, she is played out.

Background: Alberta was raised by only her mother, as her father was a two-timer and wasn't ready to settle down and start a family yet. She has a little brother named Lilison and an adopted baby sister named Jane Sweetie. She became a trainer at age ten, and advanced quickly throughout the ranks and gyms of her country.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Cottonball "Miss Fugly"] Woobat (female) <Klutz>
Theme: "U.G.L.Y" by Daphne and Celeste
Background: Found in a cave withing the first day of her adventure, she's had Cottonball forever. Even though, it was the second Pokemon she's caught, she almost despises it other than the fact that it's a good fighter.

[Scouter] Watchog (male) <Keen Eye>
Theme: "Pretty Fly (For A White Guy" by the Offspring
Background: Named because he's very.. uh... observant, shall we say.

[Munkee] Pansage (male) <Gluttony>
Theme: "Nine In the Afternoon" by Panic! At The Disco
Background: Given to her by a random girl who was giving away different Pokemon. One of her favorite Pokemon.

[Dreamer] Musharna (female) <Forewarn>
Theme: "Freak The Freak Out" by Victoria Justice
Background: One of the only Pokemon she's ever evolved, she thinks of Dreamer as somewhat useless, but adorable, so she kept her. She also felt bad because when she first saw Dreamer, she saw two abusive kids kicking her. After chasing the kids away with some vicious attacks, she took Dreamer under her wing and nursed her back to health.

[Blackie] Pignite (male) <Blaze>
Theme: "Firestarter" by The Prodigy
Background: Al's first Pokemon. She had it as a pet at first and than when she decided to bring it with her on her adventure, he happily followed her.

[Kitten] Herdier (female) <Pickup>
Theme: "The Magic Position" by Patrick Wolf
Background: Alberta's favorite Pokemon. She at first wanted a cat-like Pokemon, but fell in love with Kitten the moment she saw her. Has the strongest bond with this Pokemon.

Other: She has a thing for rarely letting her Pokemon evolve.

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Woah okay woah what

I said there were only 12 places available, so everyone who isn't on the list now can wait to see if anyone still has an outstanding form by...I'm gunna say this Sunday.

ETA: Actually, I'm opening up 3 spectator shots - the form is the same, except you don't need a battle theme. Spectators are either just there to watch or have already been eliminated from play.
O.o did this all happen today? grumble... business and all... want to be a fighter...

Spectator reserve, I guess

EDIT: wait, do the spectators have pokemon, too? what are their roles?
I'll have the same character if someone gets bumped from the list of battlers, so I'll include a theme.

Name: Adofo Massri
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Hails From: Cairo, Egypt
Battle Theme (If it needs to be applicable): Enter Sandman

Appearance: Adofo is tall, tan, and bald. Sporting a goatee as his only hair, Adofo also wears Traditional Egyptian Robes. He has sandals for shoes.

Personality: P'o'd mostly; I know he'll be stubborn and hot-headed.

Background: Adofo loved playing in the desert as a child, and often explored dig sites along with some Egyptian ruins. Sometimes he would see wild pokemon, and even the occasional trainers battling. Fascinated, he caught a few pokemon and tried it out himself. After finding out he actually had some skill, Adofo caught some more and became serious about it.

Pokemon Team:

-[Bes] Claydol (X) <Levitate>

Background: Adofo's first pokemon, He found Bes near some ruins just outside Cairo. After trying for months to catch it without the help of another pokemon, Adofo managed to snag it while it was resting one day.

-[Ptah] Gliscor (male) <Sand Veil>

Background: Ptah is Adofo's second pokemon. Aided this time by Bes and its ability to use Ice Beam, Ptah was an easy capture for Adofo's growing party.

-[Abasi] Heracross (Male) <Guts>

Background: The third to join Adofo, Abasi was terrorizing a small part of Cairo when Adofo came by and took his opportunity.

-[Anippe] Arbok (Female) <Intimidate>

Background: Adofo caught Anippe to show Abasi that he should no be afraid, and ended up bonding with her quickly.

-[Chike] Krookodile (Male) <Moxie>

Background: While swimming leisurely one day in the Nile, Adofo was nipped in the behind by Chike. Angered, he sent Anippe and Abasi to weaken him enough to catch, as Adofo wished to torture the little devil. He soon discovered, however, that he rather liked the little demon, and made him a party member.

-[Lapis] Cofagrigus (Female) <Mummy>

Background: She is Adofo's most recent pokemon. Adofo was exploring a pyramid when he thought he came across a sarcophagus. He tried opening it, and was then attacked by her.
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Whoo I'm done!

Name: Thomas (Tom) Swift
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Hails From: San Francisco, United States, but was born in Singapore (none of these places have no relationship to me whatsoever besides perhaps as a vacation spot, but shush)
Battle Theme: Little Busters – The Pillows

Appearance: “Average” would a pretty good word to describe Tom -- he has short, messy brown hair and brown eyes and stands at about 5’6”. Although his mother is Asian, Tom takes after his father in his looks and appears to be Caucasian. He doesn’t have any of those “exotic mixed look” that seems to have to accompany people of mixed ethnicities. Since he was used to the tropical heat of Singapore, Tom usually keeps his dark blue sweater on even when everybody else is dying of heatstroke. Tom is a firm believer in cargo pants due to their pocket capacity.

Personality: An easygoing sort of guy. The rest is PO.

Background: Tom was born in Singapore and started unofficially training when he caught his first pokemon – Beakers – when he was eight (unofficial as in he battled his classmates a few times). He moved to the US when he was eleven, and started training as a side hobby beside his studies. Since Singapore has a much stricter school curriculum, he aced his classes easily and had a lot of free time on his hands to train. Tom competed for the Prime Cup last year, but didn’t manage to get anyplace far.

Tom has managed to forget basically any other language besides English he knew. He still knew a little bit of Chinese, but that was about it.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History::

[Beakers] Pidgeot (F) <Keen Eye>
Tom’s first pokemon. Caught in Singapore, where Pidgeys are pretty common. She’s one of Tom’s strongest pokemon.

[Null] Shedinja (-) <Wonder Guard>
Also caught in Singapore. Tom was collecting Nincada shells for a science project when he realized that one of them was a pokemon. Beakers took it out with one hit, and Tom caught it because it looked cool. Tom was pleasantly surprised to find that Shedinjas aren’t as weak as they seemed...

[Muddy] Swampert (M) <Torrent>
His parents gave the Mudkip to Tom when they first moved to the US so he could amuse himself while they worked. Tom didn’t have a really good naming sense when he was eleven.

[Kite] Mantine (M) <Water Absorb>
Caught off the coast of San Francisco. Then again, Mantykes and Mantines aren’t exactly uncommon there.

[Crash] Sharpedo (F) <Rough Skin>
Sometimes it’s not a good idea to live so near the coast. While Tom wasn’t allowed to catch that beached Wailord, he managed to convince his parents to let him snag the carnivorous water type instead. Well, it’s more like he went to the beach without realizing that there was a Carvanha warning and ended up with one before his parents had anything to say about it.

[Leaf] Kingdra (F) <Swift Swim>
Tom knew that he shouldn’t specialize but it was a Kingdra and those things are awesome. She put up a pretty good fight, too, but Tom managed to capture her after a long battle. Tom was also barred from going on field trips ever again after that.

Other: Huh. No Unovian pokemon made it to the team. That's unexpected.
I suppose I'll reserve spectator, and hope for the best.

EDIT: Crap, I didn't see the last spot had been taken. Never mind, then.

EDIT2: If any slots end up opening, though, I request reserving it(?)
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Name: Arylett C. Dawnsborough
Age: 19 (I'm going to be that in a few days, so I figure I might as well get ahead of the curve)
Gender: Female.
Hails From: Miami, Florida, United States. (No, I don't actually live there. Artistic license!)
Battle Theme: Leona Lewis - My Hands

Appearance: Short, about 5 feet tall, average weight for body structure. Dark brown eyes with glasses, dark brown crazy curly hair which is of moderate length with a red flower in it. Tan skin. Her outfit is kinda hard to explain without visuals, but I'll give it a shot. Wears a light red tanktop, with red sleeves that can be detached if gets hot. Also, maroon shorts with a light red and maroon belt around the waist, where she keeps her Pokeballs. Attached to the belt is a long sort of red spiky cape which is adorned with winglike protrusions. She has a choker around her neck, and a bracelet around each arm. Lastly, she wears red boots with small claws protruding from them. Y'know, it'd really just be easier if you looked at this picture. Except... minus the staff. And with Pokeballs around the waist.

Personality: Eh, I think you RP veterans can guess what type of character she is... I'll PO it, but expect something along the lines of shy, eccentric, and awkward.

Background: There isn't a whole lot to say about Arylett's background. She's pretty much a normal girl... well, at least on the outside.

First born in New Jersey, she only lived there the first few years of her life... and lived out the rest of her life in Florida.

As a child, she was heavily coddled by her parents, and never had many friends. This leads to people who DO know her giving her the nickname "Queen Arylett," because her shelteredness resembled that of royalty.

Other than that, she was just that one quiet kid who sat in the background and everyone called "Smart Girl" at her normal education.

As she was growing up, her parents purchased most of her Pokemon, taking note of her friendless nature. In fact, Arylett has only caught one Pokemon her own. All of this led to Arylett developing many psychological issues, and eventually, going into therapy... but the sad thing was that, therapy doesn't pay for itself...

One day, her parents took note of a tournament that was going on... but was too intimidated to sign up initially. However, she knew she needed that money, and thus forced herself above her fears to sign up... and now here she is, surprised she made it this far. When questioned about the reason she's in the tournament, she typically tends to avoid it and change the subject.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Saska] Mightyena (Female) <Intimidate>
Background: Also known as the Pokemon of MANY nicknames. (One of which is Boatwoman, yes, completely unrelated to her original nickname. Arylett is known for her odd choices...) This was Arylett's first Pokemon, purchased by her parents at a pet store during their time in New Jersey as a Poochyena. Her species are thus not usually available in Florida due to the extremely hot weather there and their thick fur. Since they've known each other practically since Arylett was six years old, they're quite close. [Poke Ball]

[Novale] Arcanine (Male) <Intimidate>
Background: Another one purchased at a pet store as a Growlithe... with equally as many nicknames. However, this one was actually purchased in-state: Growlithe are rather common under the constantly burning sun of the Sunshine State and thrive there pretty well. Arylett's favourite Pokemon, she always keeps him out of his ball. [Premier Ball]

[Blitzhupe] Ampharos (Male) <Static>
Background: Unlike the others, this one was given to her by a relative of hers who owns a farm as a Mareep rather than purchased. She's quite fond of him, especially since he's her most mellow Pokemon. [Nest Ball]

[Falsair] Excadrill (Male) <Sand Rush>
Background: The only Pokemon Arylett has ever captured on her own. One day, she was at the beach with her family, extremely bored. A Drillbur suddenly popped out of the ground, and she plucked up the courage to actually battle it and capture it. [Quick Ball]

[Vinne] Lilligant (Female) <Chlorophyll>
Background: Arylett's mother works in the flower department of a rather large department store, where Grass-type Pokemon are sometimes sold. Knowing that her daughter had a fondness for flowers, she purchased her a Petilil. [Poke Ball]

[Kulua] Milotic (Female) <Marvel Scale>
Background: This one cost quite a pretty penny. A trip to an aquarium lead to a rare sale on Feebas. Whilst Arylett felt guilty about spending so much money, her parents reassured her and insisted that she get it since it was a rare Pokemon. Arylett's birthday present for her 17th birthday. [Luxary Ball]

Other: Aha! I hope this is all right.
Name: Pavel 'Pasha' Wallace Huang
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Hails from: Austin, Texas, United States of America (for those looking at my profile: Richardson is where I go to college)
Battle Theme: 牧野由依 - マーマレード (That's 'Marmalade' by Yui Makino for anyone who can't read it.)

Appearance: A skinny guy, around 110 lbs., standing around 5' 10" of Chinese descent. His hair is rather short black hair that is messy a good bit of the time, though he usually tidies it up for public appearances. He wears glasses in front of his black eyes, rectangular with lenses that darken into sunglasses in sunlight. His usual attire for training is a pair of dark gray sweat pants and a t-shirt of some sort. If no sweat pants are available, a pair of cargo pants will suffice. Usual footwear is a pair of brown sneakers or sandals if it's hot enough.

Personality: A friendly, easygoing guy with an instinctive over logical mindset at times. He's not terribly competitive, and is just in it for fun, mostly. More to come when this starts (PO'd, in other words)

Background: Pavel had a very normal childhood. He grew up in a simple suburb without much variety in Pokemon. However, he has traveled a fair amount starting in kindergarten, which opened up his horizons on Pokemon as he brought back relatively exotic species from abroad.

Pavel's training experience growing up didn't amount to as much as his peers. He didn't battle as often, but instead ventured out into the field and captured more Pokemon than the others.

Pasha wasn't the best at schoolwork, but he didn't do too badly when he picked up more battling in high school. However, he didn't battle too seriously until college. There he became friends with a few competitive battlers and entered some tournaments himself. While struggling at first, he eventually found his battling groove and moved up.

And so, Pasha and two of his friends arrived at the Prime Cup. After a lot of practice, the real deal had begun. And at the end of the preliminary rounds, it had turned out that only Pasha was left, confounding his more competitive friends. He took it in stride, figuring that win or lose, this was a heck of a lot of fun.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Ken] Blaziken (male) <Blaze>
Background: Pasha's starter. Given to him (in Torchic form) by his parents as a toddler. Although he couldn't do much then because Pasha didn't know what he was doing either, Ken grew to be Pasha's most steadfast companion. Veteran of far more battles than any other of Pasha's Pokemon, he was a clear choice for his championship team. [Poke Ball]

[Bao] Arcanine (male) <Intimidate>
Background: While relatively common in Texas, and indeed, ownership is common among Texans, Bao actually traces his lineage back to China, and is one of many descendants of his grandparents' Arcanine. Bao is the third Pokemon Pasha acquired. He received an egg from said Arcanine during a visit to his extended family in Los Angeles. Growing into a strong Pokemon, Bao has a stubborn nature, and is often disappointed when he is recalled in battle. Another shoe-in for Pasha's championship team. [Poke Ball]

[Dionisio] Xatu (male) <Synchronize>
Background: Second Pokemon caught by Pasha. Caught in Mexico after Pasha spotted a Natu hopping about some ruins. He seized upon the chance to catch a Pokemon not many would have at home, and succeeded. [Nest Ball]

[Mai] Venomoth (female) <Shield Dust>
Background: Pasha actually has a number of Venonat, as they were everywhere in Vietnam. Mai was chosen among those who had made it to Venomoth after he and his friends examined all of them. [Repeat Ball]

[Fifi] Lapras (female) <Shell Armor>
Background: Fifi was acquired in Galveston. Pasha saw a man campaigning to save Lapras, a very endangered Pokemon around the Gulf Coast. He was offering Lapras to caring trainers in an effort to revitalize their population and keep them away from poachers. In exchange for a promise to treat her kindly and breed her (and a small donation), Pasha was allowed one of the many Lapras the man was raising. Though peaceful like all of her species, Fifi turned out to be rather formidable in battle when Pasha and his friends were preparing for the Prime Cup. Still looking for a mate. [Friend Ball]

[Homura] Mismagius (female) <Levitate>
Background: Caught at a cavern in nearby Georgetown, Texas. Quite a rare sight among the more common Zubat, Pasha had been stalking around the cave for a while when he finally spotted a Misdreavus. After a painstaking, and annoying, battle, he finally won out in the end and went home with a new Pokemon. [Dusk Ball]

Other: Am I cool to join the Arcanine club?
Thank you! Your applications have been processed. Please wait one to two days for a reply You have been accepted.
This is what I have so far.


Name: Krystal B. Jordan
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hails From: Port Alberni, Canada
Battle Theme: Philistine

Stands at about 5’8’’, dark brown hair reaching past her shoulders and hazel eyes. Has a birthmark on left side of chest above the bust, and wears a necklaces that fancy her. Usually has hair pulled back in a pony and wear a hat that yet again is up to her fancy. She wears a gold ring with diamond chips on her left hand, ring finger, that was given to her by her mother on her sixteenth birthday. She really wears make-up and likes to wear cameo patterned clothes by choice. She carries a bag with her at all times, holding all the things she may “need” at the time (Often referred to as a bag of holding by her friends with all the shit she stuffs in there). She is never without her DS and games, as well as a laptop and drawing gear (Books, pencils, pens, erasers, tablet and tablet pen, ect.)

She has her ears pierced, but often forgets to put anything on her ears when on the go. When not wearing a hat, she will slip on a bandana “acquired” from her brother when he isn’t looking. She can be found with a book, sitting off on her own and trying for some quiet time from her friends.

This will be played out mostly. Have fun with that.

Born and raised in the small port town, she lived a basically calm life. She is used to sudden rainfall and wild pokemon in her backyard at any time in the day and night. Being comfortable with the vast forest and mountains that surround her town, she rarely seems anything fearful of having a large Ursuring and her little teddiursas on her lawn before heading out for work or passing a pair of young Sawsbucks on her way to the swing set in the back yard. She lives with her Mother and younger Brother, her parents having been devoriced for a odd number of years that she forgets when it happened. She is estranged from her Father by choice and is rather close to her grandparents on her mother’s side.

Though elementary school, she was often picked on and usually manipulated by her at the time friends. Low self-esteem and having trouble doing assignments in school, some would say it was a miracle she made it to middle school. Upon reaching middle school, she found a new set of friends that helped her build herself up to the confident trainer she is today.

She has never left her country, rarely even getting off the island to travel anywhere other than in her own province. She has however friends and family friends that have gone to other countries and brought back small gifts as souvenirs.

She used to own a Delcatty and Arcanine as pets, but as the years when by her feline friend shacked up with a nice old lady that needed more company and her faithful and playful mutt recently passed away from old age. Though this did sadden her, she let these things roll off her back because she knew they had good long lives and were happy in the end, no matter how hard it is to say good bye to a good friend.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History: (list in the format of:

[Manni] Milotic (Male) <Marvel Scale>
Background (include how you got it)

[Titan] Gyrados (Male) <Intimidate> (Moxie if we can use Dream world)
Background (include how you got it)

[Roger] Sawsbuck (Male) <Sap Sipper>
Background (include how you got it)

[Charlie] Ariados (Male) <Insomnia>
Background (include how you got it)

[Missy] Vespiquen (Female) <Pressure>
Background (include how you got it)

[Raven] Xatu (Male) <Synchronize>
Background (include how you got it)

...things may change while I'm polishing up.
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So I thought it would be fun to try a character like this! Sorry it's under sixteen but I hope it makes sense. It's not done yet, obviously.

Name: Serena Claire Green
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Hails From: Airport Road, Wyoming (Chosen randomly)

Appearance: Long dirty blond hair, brown eyes, headband of various colors depending on her mood and outfit, small (about five feet tall) stature, mousy kind of look. She wears black, square-shaped glasses, and has tried contacts before (she lost them). Sometimes wears a skirt or dress, but not that often. Mostly she wears t-shirts and sweatpants.

Her outfits are casual and sort of haphazard, as she combines colors of all sorts and usually doesn't match. Her idea of formal is actually bothering to match colors. Wears mismatched colored socks (though she takes care in mismatching them) and sneakers. She also has a purse which she tried to make herself in a phase where she tried to sew. It's pink and black and has varying patterns of squares. The purse uses velcro. She keeps a purse inside that purse, along with a few other bags where she keeps her various things. Hand sanitizer and lotion are just laying in there, though.

Personality:Serena's not that serene at all. She's excited and perky, but not much of a battler. She avidly cheers on the remaining competitors and is very excited she got here at all. Has a way with words, which is why she managed to get to the Cup in the first place. Will be played out. Also likes books and drawing, but doesn't do either that often.

Background: She lives in a very tiny town, where very few people battle. When the Prime Cup was announced, many were excited but a lot of them knew they had no chance. She somehow managed to convince her way into being a representative, and when she arrived at the arena many of the other contestants were shocked at how such an inexperienced trainer got here.

She lost her first battle but still enjoys watching everyone else.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Wilbur] Tepig (Male) <Blaze>
Background: Named after the character in the book Charlotte's Web. Calm but happy and a sort of mediator occasionally between the rest of the team. Is intentionally unevolved.

[Tulip] Lilligant (Female) <Chlorophyll>
Background: Loves to dance. A local florist had many grass type pokemon, and gave Serena this one as a gift to hopefully give her a chance at contests and battles (she at the time only had Pieface). Prefers an elegant fighting style when battling and is more suited to contests.

[Vriska Serket] Liepard (Female) <Limber>
Background: A stereotypical mean cat, though she likes Serena. Also gotten from a petstore, and is mostly just a pet. A fairly new edition to her team, and named from a character in a comic she had recently gotten into.

[Georgie "Pieface"] Lillipup (Male) <Vital Spirit>
Background: Gotten from a petstore in another town. Has been owned since Serena was litte, and has enought experience to evolve. Claire just considers him too cute to change.

[Twitchy] Galvantula (Male) <Unnerve>
Background: Doesn't talk much. Was found in her house, and was an early addition to her team. Sometimes a little creepy, but Serena thinks he's cute.

Other: I just thought it would be funny to have an 'accidental' character. I'm not really sure whether that town would be considered a city.
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