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The Aurion Home for the Belligerent Elderly

So, Kratos. I probably sound really pushy and whiny and annoying by now, but do you have a better idea of the prices yet?

I want my Haze D':
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No, no, I just haven't had a lot of time to look at them due to finals. But since the last one was today, I should be able to get to it tonight.
The prices have finally been adjusted, so those of you who were waiting for me to finish that can go ahead and purchase your moves now. Sorry for the delay.
Whooo. Time to get Haze for mah little Snorunt. Assuming it's possible, of course? I just wanted to make sure; you didn't say anything about the matter earlier, so it should be okay, but I don't wanna pull $8 out of my bank account only to find out Snorunt can't learn Haze.
...Okay. Stupid me. I completely forgot that my Snorunt had a move mod already and went to get a signature move for her; after debating for several minutes, though, I've decided to make my Snorunt forget Haze. *shoves Yukianesa towards Mr... This Guy*

Do I need to post the change in the registration thread, though?
No, just drop haze. You can overwrite move or body mods freely, and by getting the new one approved you automatically disavow the old one.
Buying head smash for my Aerodactyl and grasswhistle for my Grovyle; since I own the business and would make the profit back I guess I just have to pay overhead...?
Out of curiosity, would my Venonat be able to learn 'Heal Order'? Similarly, if not, would she be able to once she evolves?
Broadening this even more, is -any- bug-type besides Vespiquen eligible for the 'Order' set of moves?.... What, I have a thing for swarms of minions~
Hm... I'm not sure. Those are pretty specific to Vespiquen, and I wouldn't think that a Venonat or Venomoth would really have anything to do with commanding swarms of little insects. I could sort of see Beedrill getting it, or *maybe* something that has Swarm as an ability, but that would be a stretch at best. I don't think there are many existing bug-types that would qualify for those moves, no.

It might be possible for you to give your Venonat at least one of those moves (or for most bug-types to gain at least one of them) if you were to design an attribute around them that was explained well enough... but no, not as a just-because additional move.
Another question:
A pokemon that already has a signature move can't learn any move from here, correct?
If im wrong, I'd like to know wether a dratini might learn mirror coat.
Sig moves are move mods. AHBE moves are move mods. You can only have one move mod per pokémon. If you were to get rid of the sig move, though, yes, it could learn mirror coat.
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