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The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

After carefully reviewing these last few posts, I do indeed find Brock the most suspicious. I'm usually adverse to lynching because I'm paranoid like that, but our situation is desparate, so...

Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

Paranoia lynch for Brock.

Oh, and guys? I won't say who I'm going to heal tonight, but I will say this: If Aethelstan is alive and I am not, they are (probably) Mafia.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

Gah I miss everything don't I? =(

Well. Most (if not all) of Brock's posts have been accusatory. And given that there are very few leads and I'd rather not lynch anyone whose roles we probably know, I'll say Brock. Let's hope we finally get a Mafia member! *crosses fingers*

Also...where has Manic Fame been? He's only posted once; to jump on the Abstaining bandwagon the first day. Maybe tomorrow we should look at him - though he's on Aethelstan's list, the Corrupt Politician could still be out there. (Which is mentioned, like every five posts, but I'm saying it again.)
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

I'll have to go with Brock then. He does have a bunch of accusatory posts, and the only thing we have is that Aethelstan might be the detective
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

The day garners much discussion, but very few decisions are made. After the day, they notice how accusatory Brock has been over the course of the past three days, and grow more and more suspicious of him. The majority speaks. Brock faces his demise in a courageous manner, and seems very innocent as a gun is lowered to his head.

But he wasn't quite innocent.

Brock is dead. He was mafia. You have 24 hours to get in night actions.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Night Four]

The town awakens. Some of the townspeople are proud and happy, due to their successful deduction of who was mafia the day before. Others are frightened, wondering who the mafia will invoke their wrath upon now that one of their own is dead. Some of the townspeople ARE mafia, and are all "Oh snap! These bitches are so screwed!"

Oh, and some people are dead.

The group approaches the fountain at the center of town, to see what looks like chunky spaghetti sauce instead of water. A few people rush to their houses to make pasta, but one brave food connoisseur decides to taste it. He lowers a spoon to the water and takes out some of the yummy goodness. And an eyeball.

The eyeball of Aethelstan.

Aethelstan is dead. He was not mafia.

Manic Fame is dead due to inactivity. He therefore does not deserve an interesting death. He was not mafia.

With three mafia members remaining, and three civilians left, the game is over since, well, the mafia would've won anyways.

Congratulations Blazheiro889, Skylark, and the Corrupt Politician Blazie.

Mafia log to be up soon.
Alright, here's the mafia log and stuff.

Mr. Evil – Blazheirio889
Henchmen – Brock, Skylark
Corrupt Politician - Blazie
Couple – Flora and Ashes, Mawile
Ginny and Jenny – Barubu, Sreservoir
Mrs. Henderson – Manic Fame
Judge – Demonickittens
Psychic Detective – Aethelstan
Doctors – Teh Ebil Snorlax, ole_schooler
Not Corrupt Politician – dragonair

Do be warned, the log of actions was done as I received PM's, so its a little jumbled and confusing.

Night 1:
Aethelstan investigates sreservoir. Not mafia.
Teh Ebil Snorlax saves Mawile
Ole_schooler saves Barubu
Sreservoir targets Brock
Barubu targets ole_schooler
Mafia targets Teh Ebil Snorlax
Dragonair does nothing
Demonickittens fails to perform a night action
Blazie fails to perform a night action

Day 1:
Teh Ebil Snorlax is dead
Brock votes to ABSTAIN
Mawile votes to ABSTAIN
Aethelstan votes to ABSTAIN
Skylark votes to ABSTAIN
Blazie votes to ABSTAIN
Ole_schooler votes to ABSTAIN
Manic Fame votes to ABSTAIN
Demonickittens votes to ABSTAIN

Night 2:
Sreservoir targets dragonair
Barubu targets Manic Fame
Aethelstan investigates Manic Fame. Not mafia
Blazie sends Flora and Ashes into hiding
Dragonair blocks Manic Fame
Mafia targets Barubu
Ole_schooler saves ole_schooler

Day 2:
Barubu is dead.
Dragonair is dead.
Blazie votes for MAWILE
Skylark votes for MAWILE
Ole_schooler votes for DEMONICKITTENS
Brock votes for MAWILE
Sreservoir votes for MAWILLE
Demonickittens votes for MAWILE
Mawile dies

Night 3:
Blazie blocks ole_schooler
Ole schooler saves ole_schooler. Blocked by Blazie

Day 3:
Flora and Ashes is dead
Blazie votes BROCK
Skylark votes BROCK
Blazheiro889 votes BROCK
Oleschooler votes BROCK
Sreservoir votes for BROCK
Brock is dead.

Night 4:
Mafia targets Aethelstan
Blazie blocks ole_schooler
Aethelstan investigates blazheiro889. Mafia
Ole_schooler saves Aethelstan. Blocked by Blazie.

Day 4:
Manic fame is dead due to inactivity.
Aethelstan is dead.
Mafia win.

The last night was very amusing, especially in the order of which I got the PM's and stuff. First the mafia targeted Aethelstan and Blazie blocked the healer. For the past couple nights, I'd been expecting them to target Aethelstan or ole_schooler at some point. Aethelstan investigated and successfully got one of the mafia members. ole_schooler had begun healing himself most nights, so I expected him to heal himself again, but he healed Aethelstan, and I thought "wow they might end up killing the mafia the next day". Then I remembered that Blazie blocked ole_schooler and that Aethelstan was completely screwed.

Also, blazheiro889 brought to my attention Manic Fame's absence at the beginning of the night. Had she not done this, the game would have lasted for one more day, since I had forgotten about Manic Fame's absence.

Once more, congratulations Mafia and Blazie!
Would've been over earlier if I had gotten in my kill on night 3. :P We were actually planning to kill Aethelstan, but Brock wanted to kill sreservoir, so it dragged on. Then I went to bed, completely forgetting that the deadline was looming on the horizon. Of course, the events on the next day made me really regret that...

Anyway, well-played, civilians! These last few days made us really nervous, and we had to resort to using meatbait (we're sorry, Brock). If it weren't for Manic Fame's inactivity, we'd probably be screwed.

Yes! Finally. I was getting worried at the end until blazhy pointed out Manic Fame's inactivity. Then we were basically guaranteed a win. =D

Great game played by the townies, though. We were nearly cornered at the end, and it's lucky that I could block ole_schooler or we might have lost. From day one...or, well, day two, everyone was doing their best to catch us. Until the (only) doctor revealed herself, apparently forgetting that I could block her. =)

That was really, really enjoyable. I want to know: How many people thought I was town the whole time? Or thought I was mafia, and why?
how did I make it hard?

Asking people to reveal roles, mostly. We had quite a bit of trouble thinking of what we could safely claim, given the small number of "safe" roles. Plus, you were the most active townie - of course you'd give us trouble. :P

Anyway, what Blazie said: I'm curious. How many suspected me of being Mafia - the Mafia head, no less?
So. Yeah, i realized that it was pretty silly of me to reveal my role early, but I wanted to protect ole_shooler. I didn't know what to do, and I got killed. Eh.

I was suspicious of Manic Fame for the inactivity, but other than that I had no idea who the mafia people were.

So, I guess everyone was suspicious of me, but... I don't know. What did you think I was? Other than mafia.

Good game.
I hardly posted, but you suspected me on page 5. I think it was my slip up regarding the amount of hours left, but it seems you forgot all about that :3
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