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The Battle for Asber

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Round Two, Act One

Fisher grits her teeth and pulls out of her tailspin, trailing shreds of dragonfire as she starts to climb again, headed for the sole legendary she hasn't yet harassed. Mewtwo remains untroubled amidst the chaos of battle, its eyes roving between the small skirmishes that have broken out in its vicinity. It glances over as Fisher yells out its name, then recoils as the aerodactyl buzzes it from above, cackling madly. Fisher flies tight circles around the legendary, mocking its cool detachment. Why hasn't anything attacked it yet? Because it's no threat, of course; Darkrai boasts the power to plunge all its enemies into nightmare, and Giratina's insatiable appetite is only too evident. But what does Mewtwo have on its partners? Nothing at all. For now, the defenders are content to let it sit and enjoy its delusions of grandeur while they finish off the real threats.

Mewtwo reaches up and wipes a few spatters of blood from its cheek, courtesy of Fisher's bleeding face, and flicks them contemptuously into the void. The aerodactyl shrieks with laughter and rockets away again, calling back over her shoulder that if Mewtwo can't even ward off a half-blind aerodactyl, it's clearly not worth the time it would take to bring it down.

Mewtwo watches Fisher fly off, its irritation evident in nothing more than a faint twitch of its tail. The arrogant fossil will receive her comeuppance. All in good time. For now, Mewtwo is content enough to take out its anger on a different target. It spreads one three-fingered hand, fizzing darkness bubbling out from is palm as it prepares a shadow ball. Below, Darkrai is doing likewise, and both legends pitch their ghostly projectiles at the same target: Leo.

The gallade glances up as a fizzing hum announces the arrival of the first shadow ball. He only just has time to twist around so that Mawile won't be hit before the attack strikes, scalding his chest with searing ghostly energy and knocking him backwards in the air. There's hardly time to recover before the second shadow ball arrives, scorching already tender flesh and leaving a large portion of the gallade's front discolored and raw. When Leo manages to right himself, he hangs crooked in the air, gritting his teeth against the pain. It's not dire yet, but he can't take much more of this abuse. No time to feel sorry for himself, though--his teammates are counting on him to get this next part right.

Leo finds himself in a staring contest with Giratina. The undead dragon hangs in the air before him, its head alone at least twice his height, great red eyes watching him impassively. Leo does his best to brace himself for those huge jaws to open and swallow him up, but Giratina doesn't seem to be interested in eating him just now. It simply watches, and Leo watches back. Neither pokémon so much as starts when there is a thud and subsequent explosion of angry hissing nearby as Monopole, oblivious to the dramatic tension, takes the lull in the fighting as an opportunity to thwack Darkrai with another hammer arm.

Ultimately, Giratina doesn't seem to be doing anything, and Leo knows that time is limited. He can't just float here and wait for his foe to make a move. Instead, the Gallade closes his eyes, his form blurring as he reaches out towards the location of his comrades, trapped in Giratina's stomach. Even as he does so, however, Giratina's crest gleams a brilliant blue, and the dragon dives, the air parting before it with a loud tearing noise, pulling away to reveal a portal to the legendary's home dimension. With one powerful kick of its long body, Giratina disappears into the Reverse World, and the portal slams closed behind it.

Leo's eyes snap open again as he loses contact with his partners and the target of his teleport. He frantically searches empty sky, seeking an enemy that has moved beyond the reach of his mind. Giratina is nowhere to be found. Despair wells in the gallade's breast as he realizes he's missed his chance.

Meanwhile, Giratina coils luxuriously through the Reverse World, savoring the familiar calm of its preferred home. The air is still and silent save for the pattering of waterfalls, and nothing stirs save for the dragon itself as it twines around the floating platforms in its path. The constraints of the battle prevent it from simply remaining here indefinitely as it prefers, but it takes its time positioning itself at the spot corresponding to one just below Leo back in the "normal" world. The dragon's crest glows again, and it surges forward into the sunny glare of the battlefield, encased in a burning aura of ghost energy as it rams into Leo from below, dragging wicked gashes down the gallade's body with its claws.

Leo is taken completely by surprise and only barely manages to struggle away from his opponent. His wounds are gruesome enough, and even Mawile has sustained a few scratches, but what really crushes the warrior's spirit is an inescapable sense of guilt for his failure to save his friends. Dizzily, he reflects that given how swiftly he's losing blood, he may not get another chance to even attempt to save them.

The gallade's remorse is nothing next to what his companions, awaiting his arrival in Giratina's stomach, are feeling. The pair are oblivious to their short jaunt through the Reverse World, but they feel the passing of time acutely as a steady thickening of the atmosphere in the beast's stomach. The close darkness is a particularly effective incubator of fears, and both Meta and Buzzcomb fight against overwhelming panic as, minute to minute, no gallade appears to pull them out. At last, Buzzcomb releases a power gem in a glinting shower of energy-infused rocks.

The sudden blossoming of bright light after so long in the dark overwhelms the two pokémon, and Meta hides its face while Buzzcomb mutters curses to herself while shielding her lidless eyes with her arms. The power gem showers off the inside of Giratina's stomach, pulverizing dead bees and splattering mucous everywhere, and after a few seconds its light has faded as the attack dissipates, plunging the stomach into darkness again.

Unable to contain its frustration, Meta shrieks and batters at the darkness with tiny fists. It does its best not to harm Buzzcomb, but pressed up against the vespiquen as it is, it can't help but strike her a couple times.

Team Legend
Safeguard in play: 3 more actions

Kratos Aurion (O)

Giratina (X) <Levitate>
Health: 973
Energy: 987
Used: Shadow Force @ Leo (dodge)
- How do you like that, little warrior?

Pathos (O)
Darkrai (X) <Bad Dreams>
Health: 936
Energy: 983
Used: Shadow Ball @ Leo
- Leave me alone already! Under the effects of telekinesis (2 more actions).

Kusarigamaitachi (O)
Mewtwo (X) <Pressure>
Health: 1000
Energy: 987
Used: Shadow Ball @ Leo
- In a cold fury. Taunted (2 more actions).

Team Asber
Safeguard in play: 2 more actions

The Omskivar (O)
Buzzcomb (F) <Pressure> @ Expert Belt
Health: 91%
Energy: 87%
Used: Power Gem @ Giratina
- Struggling with despair. Two actions to suffocation KO.

Superbird (O)
Meta (X) <Limber>
Health: 90%
Energy: 94%
Used: Struggle
- Lost and confused. Three actions to suffocation KO.

Grass King (O)
Monopole (X) <Clear Body> @ Leftovers
Health: 100%
Energy: 85%
Used: Hammer Arm @ Darkrai
- Nervous. -2 Speed

ole_schooler (O)
Fisher (F) <Pressure> @ Choice Scarf
Health: 69%
Energy: 84%
Used: Taunt @ Mewtwo
- Nervous. -1 Accuracy

Mawile (O)
Leo (M) <Steadfast> @ Expert Belt
Health: 13%
Energy: 88%
Used: Nothing
- Dismayed.
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You think me no threat? Are you truly so foolish? I am a psychic, humans, and my greatest power lies in my mind. Do you think we could not predict the actions of your own psychic? We knew it would come to this since before we agreed any of yours should be eaten. Did I not warn you that rescuing the eaten would be a futile effort?

Ah, but perhaps these meaningless struggles of yours are the defining trait of you who stand before me.

... but no matter. You, foolish aerodactyl, choosing to side with the humans, revelling in your artificially-enhanced speed, know that I will defeat you at a mere fraction of my true power. Know that three of your companions are already doomed, and you will follow.

I have already determined how you are going to fall. The details - the god who launches the final strike, and the attack that takes you down - do not matter. The simple fact of the matter is that you are next, and you will fall exactly as I have declared it.

Then we shall see whom you consider a threat.
@Mewtwo @Kusarigamaitchi :P Pthbbbbbbbbbb! Think think think as hard as you can, you can't catch her, she's the speedy Pokeman!

I could hold her with my psychic powers, should I choose, and destroy her as slowly or as quickly as I wish, even within the confines of this battle. Without Her shackles, I could tear off her wings with a mere thought! My mind moves faster than any corporeal being, and your aerodactyl companion is no different!
You promise us pain,
And misery galore,
So why haven't you yet
Knocked us to the floor?

You fall for our taunts,
Our tricks, traps, and teasing,
While ranting about how
We're all so displeasing.

You know what I think?
You're just having fun,
But would never admit it
To any-damn-one.

You're just a big softy,
So purple and slick,
Else you'd never have fallen
For Fisher's quick trick.

Deny all you wish,
We all know the facts,
So I'm just going to sit back,
Watch the show, and relax.
Mock me still, will you?

No matter! It changes nothing. You will die, human. You will fall with the aerodactyl on which you ride.

Let all here observe! Eating is not the only method we have of killing those who stand against us. Witness our might, our sheer power, and remember how quick we are to strike our enemies down!

You promise so much
Yet deliver so little
O'erconfident much?

What all have you done?
Threats are words, you should well know
They cause us no pain.

Cease your posturing
Or make me truly fear you
It's getting silly.
Oh, are you already losing interest in this exchange, human?

I would suggest you enjoy it. After all, these next actions of yours will be your last.

Even now, you are mere breaths from knowing nothing but pain. Her powers may slow our perceptions of time, but your fate is already decided. I need no further action beyond what is planned.
Yet you lose your self-control and your (supposedly typical) passive-aggressive demeanor and banter with the rest of us. Maybe such a tremendous mind is too much for any one being to handle?
... Now I'm tempted to break out into poetry. It actually seems quite fun. Mewtwo, if I bother you enough will you "burst from the constrains of Her power" or whatever and instead bend to the will of Rhymes on a Dime?
Yo, ole_schooler

Just lettin' you know
I have your back when Fisher eventually falls.

And by "have your back," I mean "I will flashstep up to your ass and deposit you safely six inches above the nearest safe area."
Oh Mewtwo, Kusarigamaitachi,
I do not, in fact, bore of our exchange,
I just request that you try harder, see,
Put actions behind your anger and rage.

Because, you see, you've done nothing to me,
Beyond your words and promises of woe,
I stay unscathed, and truly nothing be,
So unfrightning as text on a screen, yo.

And claims of brains of greater might than mine,
I've proved that I have cleverness much more,
You prose quite slow, while I rhyme line by line,
In terms of points, it's clear I've won this score.

So try to disarm this warrior-poet,
Or admit defeat, so that all may know it.

(I thank my friends for their support,
And encourage poetry,
When my ship sinks, I'll have a port,
And not face eternity.)
The last two lines have 11 syllables when in fact they should have 10

Negrek negrek negrek write the rest of the battle in verse :D
The last two lines have 11 syllables when in fact they should have 10

Negrek negrek negrek write the rest of the battle in verse :D

Say "poet" and "know it" fast, enough to blur sounds,
They rhyme as though they were one syllable,
And even so, my verse is leaps and bounds,
Beyond my foe, challenger unable.
It looks like I, as well,
Have been hexed by this rhyming poetic spell
And if or when it's Tuft you quell
(I'd rather not dwell,
But our side won't go
Without casualties, we know.)
Beforehand we will deal a blow
And the power of the swarm will grow.

While you may have our Queen
A hive is amassing at the scene
With a power honed and keen
(Not to make my wit seem lean;
I just feel like pushing the insect metaphor
For just a little while more)
So please, try not to snore
It'll be annoying; an inevitable victory yet you still try to ignore.

((I honestly do hope
That my awkwardness is something you can cope
For while I do enjoy this rhyming game
My skills at it are rather lame.))
Ok, I also want to go into poetry. Kusari, are you just getting irritated because we don't think you're scary anymore?

I'll just go into a bit of poetry also, X3

Now you are Mewtwo
That is abundantly clear
But you won't scare us!


Becoming angry
It is oh so childish!
For you do nothing!

Hahaha! =3

You speak blasphemy!
You do nothing for your threats!
So just smile (at) this!

Hahahaha! =)

Acting tough, a no.
This mistake will let us win!
You just need calmness!

Hahahahaha! =D

Kusari, you just need to be calm! It's all in the best! Acting tough is no way to go. (I know that now, X3)

Anyway, whoo, go Asber! You got a rather good dent in Giritina and Darkrai! =D
I merely lack the delusion that restricting my speech to arbitrary rules of rhyme and meter is of any merit.

It is not a challenge I would choose to take, and you haven't the power to impose your will upon me. Play your games as long as you must, humans. It will not aid you. Direct your energy toward useless tasks as you will - it only means my victory will occur sooner.
Oh come on. Surely in your eons of exploring the cosmos you've learned something of pointless fun? Surely there must be some sort of endorphin system in that genetically-modified freak-head of yours. Spin some rhymes Mewtwo!
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