Round Two, Act Two
Giratina may take the brunt of the ditto's struggles, but the undead dragon hardly notices the feeble kicking of the prey in its gut. As Leo limps away through the air, the dragon is already preparing to finish off its weakened opponent. Giratina, which had still been rising on the follow-through of its shadow force, loops back on itself, and dives straight back at Leo. The legendary's long body blurs into darkness as it accelerates, smashing into the gallade at top speed. Leo is slammed straight into unconsciousness by the force of the impact, and Mawile is knocked free of his shoulders, the two of them tumbling separately through the air as the green light that had protected its comrades is abruptly extinguished. The trainer manages to recall his pokémon, and, fortunately for him, doesn't have long to fall; one of the other humans rising to join the battle is able to guide their pokémon to snatch him out of the air. As Mawile's savior ferries him back to the ground, he is passed by another trainer on his way up, hurrying to take his place in the fray.
Chief Zackrai won't arrive fast enough to help his friends through the immediate danger, however. Fisher can't even see him from her spot above the main battlefield, though the blood starting to clot over her eye isn't helping any. Fortunately, her target isn't going anywhere; she could hit the telekinesis-pinioned Darkrai with her eyes closed. And, in fact, that's what she's about to do.
The aerodactyl concentrates, drawing on the pure energy of the wind and open sky and gathering it to herself. She glows orange-rimmed white, and ole_schooler and The Omskivar are force to shield their eyes from the glare, which shows even through their closed eyelids. Fisher tips forward into a steep dive, burning like one of the falling meteors, but as she approaches her target the aerodactyl's aura unfolds, spreading angled orange wings that stream sparks of flying-type power as Fisher plows into Darkrai. The nightmare pokémon recoils from the flare of light and heat as best it can, its red eyes watering, and cringes, claws raised to shield its face.
Mewtwo watches Fisher's spectacular dive without expression, but as the aerodactyl's aura fades and Fisher levels off again, the psychic's eyes narrow. It's time for a bit of revenge.
Lightning crackles around Mewtwo's hand as it points it down at Fisher, and a roaring thunderbolt takes flight, striking the aerodactyl squarely. Fisher keens and shudders as the electricity races through her body, falling into a lurching series of drops as she struggles to keep her wingbeats synchronized. The trainers on her back aren't spared the thunderbolt's fury, either, and they struggle to keep their hold on Fisher's back despite the pain and shaking. Even after they've recovered, however, Fisher continues to shiver and struggle, fighting against muscles gone suddenly unresponsive. Mewtwo's face is graced by the faintest of smiles as it watches its hated target flounder.
Giratina continues to ignore the stirrings of the pokémon in its stomach, Meta hammering away at it for all it's worth, whimpering and raging by turns as it tries to come to terms with the hopelessness of its situation. Buzzcomb sighs in irritation as the ditto smacks her now and again, and resolves to do a bit better in her escape attempts. The vespiquen is growing sluggish and weak, but she manages to cross her arms in front of her face nonetheless, bringing them slicing down in a decisive X pattern. Green bug energy blossoms briefly in the darkness of Giratina's innards, and a matching X is carved into the wall of the stomach, slicing straight through the slick of mucous to the flesh beneath. Giratina twitches a little in flight and lashes its tail, but the damage is not severe. The glow of the attack's energy is rapidly extinguished, and Buzzcomb sinks back against the wall of the stomach, fighting off dizziness.
When Monopole's ponderous leg comes swinging around again, it knocks Darkrai back to its senses. The nightmare creature growls as it first recovers from the hammer arm, then realizes it's missed its shot at attack. A quick glance around at its legendary brethren finds them already preparing their next moves. Darkrai curses its lapse but has no intention of missing out on its next attack, raising one arm as lightning dances around its claws.
Team Legend
Safeguard in play: 2 more actions
Kratos Aurion (O)
Giratina (X) <Levitate>
Health: 956
Energy: 985
Used: Shadow Sneak @ Leo
- Reveling in having made the first kill.
Pathos (O)

Darkrai (X) <Bad Dreams>
Health: 909
Energy: 982
Used: Flinch
- Shell-shocked. Under the effects of telekinesis (1 more action).
Kusarigamaitachi (O)

Mewtwo (X) <Pressure>
Health: 1000
Energy: 982
Used: Thunderbolt @ Fisher
- And now, revenge. Taunted (1 more action).
Team Asber
The Omskivar (O)

Buzzcomb (F) <Pressure> @ Expert Belt
Health: 89%
Energy: 84%
Used: X-Scissor @ Giratina
- Fading. One action to suffocation KO.
Superbird (O)

Meta (X) <Limber>
Health: 89%
Energy: 93%
Used: Struggle
- Starting to panic. Two actions to suffocation KO.
Grass King (O)

Monopole (X) <Clear Body> @ Leftovers
Health: 100%
Energy: 80%
Used: Hammer Arm @ Darkrai
- Attacking away. -3 Speed
ole_schooler (O)

Fisher (F) <Pressure> @ Choice Scarf
Health: 48%
Energy: 77%
Used: Sky Attack @ Darkrai
- Trying to get her flight under control. Paralyzed (severe). -1 Accuracy
Mawile (X)

Leo (M) <Steadfast> @ Expert Belt
Health: 0%
Energy: 88%
Used: Nothing
Knocked Out!