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The Nyan Cat is supposed to be a pop-tart. Why isn't it a pop-tart? It's a piece of bread in mine.


.A. *drools* nyan. nyan nyan nyan. nyan nyan nyan, nyan nyan...
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The Nyan Cat is supposed to be a pop-tart. Why isn't it a pop-tart? It's a piece of bread in mine.
From the FA page of the creator of the Pop Tart cat:
prguitarman said:
I have nothing to do with Toast Cat. The owner of that site wanted to make money from my GIF for himself so I simply didn't give him permission. I have no idea who made Toast Cat.

(Also yes that FA link is safe; he has no porn in his gallery and you couldn't see porn without logging in anyway.)

EDIT: Also is it just me or is the Nyan Cat music the most powerful earworm ever?
I was just starting to get bored of Nyan Cat when something popped up prompting me to enable karaoke mode.

This truly is the best site.
Also is it just me or is the Nyan Cat music the most powerful earworm ever?

I'm no expert, but I thought earworms were supposed to be easier to remember (the Nyan song seems to have a lot of extra notes and runs in it). I can see where you are coming from though.

I didn't even try listening to it for 5,500 seconds. I just put it on and did other stuff for a while and then I was like "holy crap I've been listening to this for way over an hour"
I'm no expert, but I thought earworms were supposed to be easier to remember (the Nyan song seems to have a lot of extra notes and runs in it). I can see where you are coming from though.
Hmmm, I got it stuck perfectly in my head after like three loops, and then it wouldn't get out forever and I just found it really really catchy; it wasn't something I didn't want in my head, at least for a while. But yeah I suppose I can see it being impossible for other people to remember.
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