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The Challenge Board

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This one's reserved for Melati2008. (By the way, she's my sister.)

2 vs. 2, Single
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned moves: Double Team, Minimize, OHKO
Arena: Mankey Forest

Basically a jungle with many tall trees and other jungle plants. The forest is filled with Mankeys and their leader, Primeape.

Arena Effects:

20% chance after each round of Rain Dance activating
20% chance after each round of Sunny Day activating (Whoever is reffing this, if one occurs, ignore the other one.)

30% chance of a random Mankey to attack your Pokemon, causing 5% health damage
10% chance of a random Mankey to attack your Pokemon, causing 10% health damage
5% chance of the leader (Primeape) to attack your Pokemon, causing 20% health damage (Whoever is reffing this, if one occurs, ignore the other one.)

Profile: http://dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=83098&postcount=42

I'll take it!
2 vs. 2, Double
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned moves: Direct-healing, OHKO's
Arena: Mesoamerican Pyramid

A large pyramid made out of stacked squares. Pic here There are palm trees in the sand around the pyramids, about 17 feet tall each. The sun is high in the sky, which acts as a Sunny Day, but can be overridden by another weather move. A slight macabre aura surrounds the ancient tomb, raising the power of Ghost-and-Dark moves by 2%. A pool of water, about 20 feet in circumfrence, stands in front of the Pyramid, which, incidentally, is made out of sandstone. The battle starts at the uppermost platform.

Can we have 2 battles on at a time? If so, then:

1 on 1
DQ Time? 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKO's
Arena: The Hustle and Bustle of the High School Hallways

This is set in your typical (Southern Californian) High School hallways. It is outdoors, and Sunny Day, Hail, Rain Dance, and other weather-affecting attacks and abilities will have 5% more effect. There are trees and lockers around everywhere, which obstructs some attacks, making accuracy for projectile-based moves be down by 5% (However attacks like Swift which usually never miss still never miss). Every 3 turns, students will move from class to class, and you will have a 50% chance of getting hit by them and losing 3% Health and 3% energy. However, if your Pokemon has wings, people will tease you, and you will get 6% Health and energy, but they will be able to escape better (don't ask why) and will only get teased 30% of the time. Also, every action there is a 10% chance of the principal, teacher, or school administrator walking by. If you are using a physical-based attack, they will see you and you will get "detention", losing one action. You will be vulnerable in detention, but you will only get 75% of the attack's total damage. Finally, because of the concrete floor, if you miss a physical attack you will lose 1% energy.

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Can we have 2 battles on at a time? If so, then:

1 on 1
DQ Time? 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKO's
Arena: The Hustle and Bustle of the High School Hallways

This is set in your typical (Southern Californian) High School hallways. It is outdoors, and Sunny Day, Hail, Rain Dance, and other weather-affecting attacks and abilities will have 5% more effect. There are trees and lockers around everywhere, which obstructs some attacks, making accuracy for projectile-based moves be down by 5% (However attacks like Swift which usually never miss still never miss). Every 3 turns, students will move from class to class, and you will have a 50% chance of getting hit by them and losing 3% Health and 3% energy. However, if your Pokemon has wings, people will tease you, and you will get 6% Health and energy, but they will be able to escape better (don't ask why) and will only get teased 30% of the time. Also, every action there is a 10% chance of the principal, teacher, or school administrator walking by. If you are using a physical-based attack, they will see you and you will get "detention", losing one action. You will be vulnerable in detention, but you will only get 75% of the attack's total damage. Finally, because of the concrete floor, if you miss a physical attack you will lose 1% energy.


I shall take you on, o_O.

First match, Hurrah!
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I would like to know, if my battle has been accepted, how is it still an open challenge? *Is slightly confused.*

Unless I made two challenges by mistake? xD
2 vs. 2, Double
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned moves: Direct-healing, OHKO's
Arena: Mesoamerican Pyramid

A large pyramid made out of stacked squares. Pic here There are palm trees in the sand around the pyramids, about 17 feet tall each. The sun is high in the sky, which acts as a Sunny Day, but can be overridden by another weather move. A slight macabre aura surrounds the ancient tomb, raising the power of Ghost-and-Dark moves by 2%. A pool of water, about 20 feet in circumfrence, stands in front of the Pyramid, which, incidentally, is made out of sandstone. The battle starts at the uppermost platform.


First battle, I shall accept!

My Profile!
Oh, right. Sorry. Didn't mean to be pushy or anything. Well, you might as well have a perfect front page, right?
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sorry people. If you still need it, my profile link is here.
The refs may be clicking on challenges from the first page of this thread, so your profile link will need to be in the post you issued the challenge from.
I edited it in. Is that OK?

EDIT: By the way, sorry for the confusion! It was my fault!
Reffing Chiropter vs Negrek because I can never have enough work to do

:[ I could believe it'd be the simplest one if not for the people involved.
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