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The Challenge Board

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50% cap is good with me. I just got 37 from a random number generator before because I didn't really care.

Also, my profile because I forgot it before. And I'm reposting the challenge so Blazhy can quote it again and post her profile because she also forgot it (lol @ us).

2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 50%
Banned moves: OHKO's, Chills, direct healers
Arena: Enchanted Castle

We battle in a side room in an enchanted castle of France's Loire Valley. The castle is inhabited by a hideous beast and his transformed servants. The field has various effects based on how far into the battle we are. Weather moves may be used, but only have an effect if the ceiling, walls, or windows are destroyed. (We'll assume we're in a one-story wing of the castle, so that MASSIVE DESTRUCTION will not cause us to be buried under several tons of debris.)

Rounds 1-6: If the battlers create a loud enough clatter (to be decided by the ref), the castle's servants will begin to enter to observe the battle. If the clatter continues long enough, the Beast will enter. When the Beast enters, he uses Slash on both battlers and chases them into hiding until he leaves, effectively stopping the round in its tracks. (He may appear in any action of the round that he wants, as determined by the ref and the level of clatter.) After the Beast leaves, we issue commands for the next round as usual. The Beast may appear as many times as the ref deems possible.

Rounds 7-10: If the battlers create a loud enough clatter, Belle will wander in to watch. She leaves after a few actions, but can be damaged by stray attacks. She has 15% Health and if it is reduced to zero, the Beast will enter, attack, and chase us into hiding in the same manner as in Rounds 1-6, taking her with him when he leaves. (She will not return if the Beast takes her away, but she may return if she leaves of her own volition.)

Rounds 11-12: Winter comes, and with it, a Hail weather condition. During these rounds, the weather may not be changed. It should be noted that the Hail will only have an effect on the battlers if they are exposed to it by a broken ceiling, wall, or window.

Round 13 until the end of the battle: Gaston and his mob attack the castle and the servants fight back against them. The volume of the fight results in a constant Uproar (including damage to both battlers). Additionally, every once in a while (at the ref's discretion) some fighters in the mob-vs.-servants battle may stumble into our room, causing 2% damage for every hit they land to one of us. They also disrupt our aim by some amount to be determined by the ref. They'll return to their own fight within a round from their entry to ours.

complex challenge is complex

Whoopsies :P
So I guess I'll take Prairie Chicken vs uber charizard (though I'm wondering what happened to the profile link in the post uber charizard quoted... her link is there in the original post, but it's not in UC's post. Huh.).
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKO's, Chills, direct healers
Arena: Huge Flattop Mountain

The name pretty much says it all..........But, it has a 5 mile perimeter. There are boulders around(about 6). And, Water type attacks take 2% less damage than usual.
2 vs. 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned: OHKO Moves
Arena: Keyboard

The battle takes place on a computer keyboard. Filled with dips and hills, this is a dangerous terain. The battlers are shrunk to fit the field.

The keyboard is a very worn out one, missing the a, b, h, p, shift, and t keys. It had a numeric keypad. Dust between the keys occasionally blows around the battlers, about 5% of the time, obscuring the view for a turn. There is also a 5% chance that some kid will try to type something, injuring the battlers with 5% Normal damage. He'll probably try to grab at one of the battlers if he sees them firing some strange beams at each other.

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2 vs. 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned: OHKO Moves
Arena: Keyboard

The battle takes place on a computer keyboard. Filled with dips and hills, this is a dangerous terain. The battlers are shrunk to fit the field.

The keyboard is a very worn out one, missing the a, b, h, p, shift, and t keys. It had a numeric keypad. Dust between the keys occasionally blows around the battlers, about 5% of the time, obscuring the view for a turn. There is also a 5% chance that some kid will try to type something, injuring the battlers with 5% Normal damage. He'll probably try to grab at one of the battlers if he sees them firing some strange beams at each other.

I accept, but you forgot your profile. =/
2 vs. 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 6 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned: OHKO Moves, Weather Moves, attraction moves/abilities, levitation/airborne moves
Arena: Bugger's Dojo

A Dojo, run by bugs. As simple as that. A brown and white Dojo.

Due to a special gravity field, no battlers are able to levitate or become airborne. If you are forced to become airborne, you are pretty much screwed. If you are airborne or levitating Pokemon falls, they take 5% damage. If you attempt to dive, you take 5% damage.

Occasionally, Bugger the Scizor will come and beat the crap out of someone, giving them 10% damage. 5% chance.

Sometimes a Pokemon training here will swing a punch or a kick by accident at a battler, giving them 5% for a punch, and 7% for a kick. This doesn't affect Pokemon with the ability thick fat, because if they tried, their punch/kick would go back at them.

Occasionally, Rick Astley comes along, Rick Rolling a battler. The battler, in attempt to cover it's ears, will be oblivious to a trainer command for 1 turn. This doesn't affect Pokemon with the ability Soundproof.

Profile: Here.
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Taking Kratos vs. Blazhy because for some reason I want two of the best refs here to be scrutinizing my reffing skills that haven't been exercised since October. Thread'll be up in a few minutes.
I'm Sorry for mine, I forgot to put mah profile.

1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKO's, Chills, direct healers
Arena: Huge Flattop Mountain

The name pretty much says it all..........But, it has a 5 mile perimeter. There are boulders around(about 6). And, Water type attacks take 2% less damage than usual.
2 vs. 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 6 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned: OHKO Moves, Weather Moves, attraction moves/abilities, levitation/airborne moves
Arena: Bugger's Dojo

A Dojo, run by bugs. As simple as that. A brown and white Dojo.

Due to a special gravity field, no battlers are able to levitate or become airborne. If you are forced to become airborne, you are pretty much screwed. If you are airborne or levitating Pokemon falls, they take 5% damage. If you attempt to dive, you take 5% damage.

Occasionally, Bugger the Scizor will come and beat the crap out of someone, giving them 10% damage. 5% chance.

Sometimes a Pokemon training here will swing a punch or a kick by accident at a battler, giving them 5% for a punch, and 7% for a kick. This doesn't affect Pokemon with the ability thick fat, because if they tried, their punch/kick would go back at them.

Occasionally, Rick Astley comes along, Rick Rolling a battler. The battler, in attempt to cover it's ears, will be oblivious to a trainer command for 1 turn. This doesn't affect Pokemon with the ability Soundproof.

Profile: Here.

Meh I accept Shadow Slice's challenge

Here's his Profile
Here's mine

Is it legal to pay a ref to take our battle? If not, I think it's perfectly legal to trip and accidentally drop an exact amount of Pokemoney into their hands. :l
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No problemo. It's my first battle too. Can you change it to 2Vs2? I only have two Pokemon. Or i can try a 2 on 3 but that's basically a win on your half. :l
For me new buddy, Mew~.

10 Day DQ
Banned: OHKOs (duh), Chills are restricted to three per Pokemon, healing moves heal a maximum of 15% health.

Field: Squirtle Beach

Lush palm trees, clear skies, soft, white sand. Seems like the perfect beach, no? Well, it would be, if there weren't about a billion red-and white turtle shells littered all over the place.

Well, this would detract from the beauty for some, but myself and Mewwithatilde, self-proclaimed Squirtle-line fans, think of it as a perfect battlefield.

Thrown turtles will do damage as such:

Squirtle - 2% neutral-type damage.
Wartortle - 3% neutral-type damage.

Any thrown Squirtle will scamper away; Wartortle will use a low-power damaging attack and then do the same.

There is a large, sleeping Blastoise (not me), curled up in his shell. Anything that awakens him from his deep slumber will be the subject of his wrath; it is for the ref to decide his attacks, though. He has 25% Health and limitless energy, and may only use attacks of 60 or less base power without immediately falling back to sleep. He will default back to sleep after two rounds.

Everyone, including Pokémon, must wear a shell hat, which I will provide. Winner gets to keep his, and so do the loser and the ref.

For me new buddy, Mew~.

10 Day DQ
Banned: OHKOs (duh), Chills are restricted to three per Pokemon, healing moves heal a maximum of 15% health.

Field: Squirtle Beach

Lush palm trees, clear skies, soft, white sand. Seems like the perfect beach, no? Well, it would be, if there weren't about a billion red-and white turtle shells littered all over the place.

Well, this would detract from the beauty for some, but myself and Mewwithatilde, self-proclaimed Squirtle-line fans, think of it as a perfect battlefield.

Thrown turtles will do damage as such:

Squirtle - 2% neutral-type damage.
Wartortle - 3% neutral-type damage.

Any thrown Squirtle will scamper away; Wartortle will use a low-power damaging attack and then do the same.

There is a large, sleeping Blastoise (not me), curled up in his shell. Anything that awakens him from his deep slumber will be the subject of his wrath; it is for the ref to decide his attacks, though. He has 25% Health and limitless energy, and may only use attacks of 60 or less base power without immediately falling back to sleep. He will default back to sleep after two rounds.

Everyone, including Pokémon, must wear a shell hat, which I will provide. Winner gets to keep his, and so do the loser and the ref.

Accepted, my friend.

Quite a lulzy challenge.


Did I do it right, Kusarigamaitachi. (and why does it say vote now instead of save?....clicking it anyways)
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