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The Challenge Board

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1vs1 Single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned: OHKO, Weather moves

Arena: Hellbender Cave

It's a large, enclosed cave with a very high roof. There is a strange unearthly glow that has lighted up the whole cave. There are small pools of water everywhere that contain small brown lizard-like creatures. Being in direct contact with them them causes 1% poison-type damage. The creatures themselves will never attack nor interfere in the match. The sides of the cave are very sharp and jagged, and Pokémon without sufficient protection will suffer 3% rock-type if thrown against the wall or the roof hard.

I Acceptata!
Taking Xaldin vs. Darksong (but why are there no spike traps or gusts of wind D:) and Ruffledfeathers vs. Bobino. And Negrek--killerman vs. Psymon should be taken off since Psymon's no longer interested, and you've linked to the wrong posts for Sovie vs. Flora and Ashes and Sovie vs. Psymon.
You did? Ah, right, I forgot. Sorry, then.

Shame, I was looking forward to reffing a ToS arena. Whatever.
I am making ANOOOOTHEEER challenge~ :D This time for TYPHOON. One which is very RANDOM. We may all be DOOMED. KEKEKEKE.
I am reusing my Sketchpad because I'm LAZY I CAN it can go so many different ways between refs and peoples and fwee~

2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healing move allowed once for the entire match.
Arena: Sketchpad

A giant pad of paper made for transferring imagination into reality, everyone probably knows what one of these is. Except this one is big. Humongous, even. Yet for all intents and purposes it's flat, slightly textured surface provide an incredibly neutral field for battle. However, the paper seems highly resistant to normal damage, and as such the likes of fire, water, or any other damaging elements will not immediately disintegrate it's being as they may normal paper.

The ref plays an extra role in this battle, however.. upon accepting they are granted a magic pen, capable of bringing life to what is drawn onto the paper. As such, the ref gets to decide the arena effects each round, for better or for worse. (Try to remain unbiased though!! Most effects should probably affect both contenders unless you want to get creative with balance)
The catch is, they actually have to DRAW it - obviously. So with a little creativity (NOT asking for artistic genius here, Paint and scribbles will work, though effort would be appreciated~ ) this battle can flow as their fingers decide.
EVERY ROUND THE REF SHOULD DRAW THEIR CURRENT PERCEPTION OF THE BATTLE ON A 750x450 PIXEL TEMPLATE, AS WELL AS ADDING THE EFFECTS THEY WISH. For instance, the ref may draw a pond and colour the rest of the sheet green, to bring the battle to a grassy field with a small pond.
The ref may draw on the ENTIRE ARENA as they wish.

ADDITIONALLY, every three rounds STARTING AT ROUND TWO (Meaning the first round is played by contenders normally, then this will come into play, then two more will be played normally, and it will come into play again) both contenders will receive a disposable pen of their own, which will have enough ink for ONE EFFECT. By using a turn labelled as "Sketch", a Pokemon may sketch a desired effect using this pen, either immediately, or holding onto the pen for a later round. (Only two may be held at one time)
When a pen is used, the contender uses the same 750x450 pixel sheet to illustrate their desired effect, BUT THEY MAY NOT DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS. Instead, the ref judges from their drawing alone and applies the effect as such!
When a contender produces their own effect, the ref will copy their drawing and ADD to it, but not OVERRIDE it. If both players use their pens at the same time, the player whose turn is first gets first dibs, the second player may ADD but not OVERRIDE it, and the ref takes last priority. A player's effect may only affect a maximum of HALF THE ARENA.
(FOR EXAMPLE: If Player 1 draws a field of Fire on the left side of the field, player two may draw the right side of the field with water, but NOT cover the existing fire. The ref is then within their liberty to add, for example, a platform on either side - but not remove or edit player effects drastically.)
Finally, at the end of every round the pad is wiped clean to begin anew. Meaning at the beginning of every round, it will have returned to a clean, neutral field until edited again.

I'm one BADASS freakin' profile!! Hahahahahaha!!
I am making ANOOOOTHEEER challenge~ :D This time for TYPHOON. One which is very RANDOM. We may all be DOOMED. KEKEKEKE.
I am reusing my Sketchpad because I'm LAZY I CAN it can go so many different ways between refs and peoples and fwee~

2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healing move allowed once for the entire match.
Arena: Sketchpad

A giant pad of paper made for transferring imagination into reality, everyone probably knows what one of these is. Except this one is big. Humongous, even. Yet for all intents and purposes it's flat, slightly textured surface provide an incredibly neutral field for battle. However, the paper seems highly resistant to normal damage, and as such the likes of fire, water, or any other damaging elements will not immediately disintegrate it's being as they may normal paper.

The ref plays an extra role in this battle, however.. upon accepting they are granted a magic pen, capable of bringing life to what is drawn onto the paper. As such, the ref gets to decide the arena effects each round, for better or for worse. (Try to remain unbiased though!! Most effects should probably affect both contenders unless you want to get creative with balance)
The catch is, they actually have to DRAW it - obviously. So with a little creativity (NOT asking for artistic genius here, Paint and scribbles will work, though effort would be appreciated~ ) this battle can flow as their fingers decide.
EVERY ROUND THE REF SHOULD DRAW THEIR CURRENT PERCEPTION OF THE BATTLE ON A 750x450 PIXEL TEMPLATE, AS WELL AS ADDING THE EFFECTS THEY WISH. For instance, the ref may draw a pond and colour the rest of the sheet green, to bring the battle to a grassy field with a small pond.
The ref may draw on the ENTIRE ARENA as they wish.

ADDITIONALLY, every three rounds STARTING AT ROUND TWO (Meaning the first round is played by contenders normally, then this will come into play, then two more will be played normally, and it will come into play again) both contenders will receive a disposable pen of their own, which will have enough ink for ONE EFFECT. By using a turn labelled as "Sketch", a Pokemon may sketch a desired effect using this pen, either immediately, or holding onto the pen for a later round. (Only two may be held at one time)
When a pen is used, the contender uses the same 750x450 pixel sheet to illustrate their desired effect, BUT THEY MAY NOT DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS. Instead, the ref judges from their drawing alone and applies the effect as such!
When a contender produces their own effect, the ref will copy their drawing and ADD to it, but not OVERRIDE it. If both players use their pens at the same time, the player whose turn is first gets first dibs, the second player may ADD but not OVERRIDE it, and the ref takes last priority. A player's effect may only affect a maximum of HALF THE ARENA.
(FOR EXAMPLE: If Player 1 draws a field of Fire on the left side of the field, player two may draw the right side of the field with water, but NOT cover the existing fire. The ref is then within their liberty to add, for example, a platform on either side - but not remove or edit player effects drastically.)
Finally, at the end of every round the pad is wiped clean to begin anew. Meaning at the beginning of every round, it will have returned to a clean, neutral field until edited again.

I'm one BADASS freakin' profile!! Hahahahahaha!!

what the SHIT my drawing fail will kill you all
1vs1 Single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned: OHKO, Weather moves

Arena: Hellbender Cave

It's a large, enclosed cave with a very high roof. There is a strange unearthly glow that has lighted up the whole cave. There are small pools of water everywhere that contain small brown lizard-like creatures. Being in direct contact with them them causes 1% poison-type damage. The creatures themselves will never attack nor interfere in the match. The sides of the cave are very sharp and jagged, and Pokémon without sufficient protection will suffer 3% rock-type if thrown against the wall or the roof hard.


Taking this on soon enough.
4vs4 Single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: 1HKO's
Arena: Colluseum + Pool

A plain, rectangular colluseum. Nothing special, there is sand scattered around for the use of sand-based attacks, such as Sand Tomb and Sandstorm. There is a large pool to one side to contain water-based Pokemon up to Wailord-size.

My Profile: http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=353814&postcount=164

Notes: This IS my first ASB battle EVER so I've decided to keep it simple. Hoping for acceptance from another rookie.
Last edited:
4vs4 Single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: 1HKO's
Arena: Colluseum + Pool

A plain, rectangular colluseum. Nothing special, there is sand scattered around for the use of sand-based attacks, such as Sand Tomb and Sandstorm. There is a large pool to one side to contain water-based Pokemon up to Wailord-size.

My Profile: http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=353814&postcount=164

Notes: This IS my first ASB battle EVER so I've decided to keep it simple. Hoping for acceptance from another rookie.

Rookie right here.
4vs4 Single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: 1HKO's
Arena: Colluseum + Pool

A plain, rectangular colluseum. Nothing special, there is sand scattered around for the use of sand-based attacks, such as Sand Tomb and Sandstorm. There is a large pool to one side to contain water-based Pokemon up to Wailord-size.

My Profile: http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=353814&postcount=164

Notes: This IS my first ASB battle EVER so I've decided to keep it simple. Hoping for acceptance from another rookie.

Rookie right here.

Taking this on since I really expect to finally see a simple arena. although im packed full with battles to reff anyway
It's my very first ASB battle, so let's have us a good old fashioned shoot-em-up to celebrate!

1 vs 1. Come alone.
Style: Set. No running away from a duel!
DQ Time: One week.
Damage Cap: 30%
Restricted Moves: Because this is a shootout, no contact moves allowed! Although they may be used indirectly, such as manipulating the environment or to move around, directly using contact moves to harm the opponent are not allowed! Pokemon who violate this rule get slapped in the face by a disgruntled old cowboy ghost, thus instantly disrupting the move. Also, no OHKOs!

Arena: Wide open, dusty plains. The earth is parched, cracked, and devoid of any vegetation. The only available cover is behind large rocks, of which there are several.

Notes: The shootout accepts any challenger, regardless of prior ASB experience or evolutionary stage of pokemon! You'll just make a bigger target for my pokemon to shoot at! PEW PEW

Profile: Link
It's my very first ASB battle, so let's have us a good old fashioned shoot-em-up to celebrate!

1 vs 1. Come alone.
Style: Set. No running away from a duel!
DQ Time: One week.
Damage Cap: 30%
Restricted Moves: Because this is a shootout, no contact moves allowed! Although they may be used indirectly, such as manipulating the environment or to move around, directly using contact moves to harm the opponent are not allowed! Pokemon who violate this rule get slapped in the face by a disgruntled old cowboy ghost, thus instantly disrupting the move. Also, no OHKOs!

Arena: Wide open, dusty plains. The earth is parched, cracked, and devoid of any vegetation. The only available cover is behind large rocks, of which there are several.

Notes: The shootout accepts any challenger, regardless of prior ASB experience or evolutionary stage of pokemon! You'll just make a bigger target for my pokemon to shoot at! PEW PEW

Profile: Link

I accept *cowboy stare*
CHALLENGE FOR BLAZHY... because my high school's putting on Beauty and the Beast for our musical this year.

2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 37%
Banned moves: OHKO's, Chills, direct healers
Arena: Enchanted Castle

We battle in a side room in an enchanted castle of France's Loire Valley. The castle is inhabited by a hideous beast and his transformed servants. The field has various effects based on how far into the battle we are. Weather moves may be used, but only have an effect if the ceiling, walls, or windows are destroyed. (We'll assume we're in a one-story wing of the castle, so that MASSIVE DESTRUCTION will not cause us to be buried under several tons of debris.)

Rounds 1-6: If the battlers create a loud enough clatter (to be decided by the ref), the castle's servants will begin to enter to observe the battle. If the clatter continues long enough, the Beast will enter. When the Beast enters, he uses Slash on both battlers and chases them into hiding until he leaves, effectively stopping the round in its tracks. (He may appear in any action of the round that he wants, as determined by the ref and the level of clatter.) After the Beast leaves, we issue commands for the next round as usual. The Beast may appear as many times as the ref deems possible.

Rounds 7-10: If the battlers create a loud enough clatter, Belle will wander in to watch. She leaves after a few actions, but can be damaged by stray attacks. She has 15% Health and if it is reduced to zero, the Beast will enter, attack, and chase us into hiding in the same manner as in Rounds 1-6, taking her with him when he leaves. (She will not return if the Beast takes her away, but she may return if she leaves of her own volition.)

Rounds 11-12: Winter comes, and with it, a Hail weather condition. During these rounds, the weather may not be changed. It should be noted that the Hail will only have an effect on the battlers if they are exposed to it by a broken ceiling, wall, or window.

Round 13 until the end of the battle: Gaston and his mob attack the castle and the servants fight back against them. The volume of the fight results in a constant Uproar (including damage to both battlers). Additionally, every once in a while (at the ref's discretion) some fighters in the mob-vs.-servants battle may stumble into our room, causing 2% damage for every hit they land to one of us. They also disrupt our aim by some amount to be determined by the ref. They'll return to their own fight within a round from their entry to ours.

complex challenge is complex

I'm good with either 2v2 or 1v1. I put down 2v2 for no real reason, but if you want to do 1v1, Blazhy, I don't mind. If it changes to 1v1, the phases will last: (1-3), (4-5), (6), (7-end).
CHALLENGE FOR BLAZHY... because my high school's putting on Beauty and the Beast for our musical this year.

2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 37%
Banned moves: OHKO's, Chills, direct healers
Arena: Enchanted Castle

We battle in a side room in an enchanted castle of France's Loire Valley. The castle is inhabited by a hideous beast and his transformed servants. The field has various effects based on how far into the battle we are. Weather moves may be used, but only have an effect if the ceiling, walls, or windows are destroyed. (We'll assume we're in a one-story wing of the castle, so that MASSIVE DESTRUCTION will not cause us to be buried under several tons of debris.)

Rounds 1-6: If the battlers create a loud enough clatter (to be decided by the ref), the castle's servants will begin to enter to observe the battle. If the clatter continues long enough, the Beast will enter. When the Beast enters, he uses Slash on both battlers and chases them into hiding until he leaves, effectively stopping the round in its tracks. (He may appear in any action of the round that he wants, as determined by the ref and the level of clatter.) After the Beast leaves, we issue commands for the next round as usual. The Beast may appear as many times as the ref deems possible.

Rounds 7-10: If the battlers create a loud enough clatter, Belle will wander in to watch. She leaves after a few actions, but can be damaged by stray attacks. She has 15% Health and if it is reduced to zero, the Beast will enter, attack, and chase us into hiding in the same manner as in Rounds 1-6, taking her with him when he leaves. (She will not return if the Beast takes her away, but she may return if she leaves of her own volition.)

Rounds 11-12: Winter comes, and with it, a Hail weather condition. During these rounds, the weather may not be changed. It should be noted that the Hail will only have an effect on the battlers if they are exposed to it by a broken ceiling, wall, or window.

Round 13 until the end of the battle: Gaston and his mob attack the castle and the servants fight back against them. The volume of the fight results in a constant Uproar (including damage to both battlers). Additionally, every once in a while (at the ref's discretion) some fighters in the mob-vs.-servants battle may stumble into our room, causing 2% damage for every hit they land to one of us. They also disrupt our aim by some amount to be determined by the ref. They'll return to their own fight within a round from their entry to ours.

complex challenge is complex

I'm good with either 2v2 or 1v1. I put down 2v2 for no real reason, but if you want to do 1v1, Blazhy, I don't mind. If it changes to 1v1, the phases will last: (1-3), (4-5), (6), (7-end).

Ahahaha you had no idea how much I chuckled when I read that Belle had 15% HP. Easy to faint. do we get more EXP for fainting her

Anyway, do you mind if the cap is set to 50%? High caps = moar fun. And I'm fine with 2 vs. 2.
50% cap is good with me. I just got 37 from a random number generator before because I didn't really care.

Also, my profile because I forgot it before. And I'm reposting the challenge so Blazhy can quote it again and post her profile because she also forgot it (lol @ us).

2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 50%
Banned moves: OHKO's, Chills, direct healers
Arena: Enchanted Castle

We battle in a side room in an enchanted castle of France's Loire Valley. The castle is inhabited by a hideous beast and his transformed servants. The field has various effects based on how far into the battle we are. Weather moves may be used, but only have an effect if the ceiling, walls, or windows are destroyed. (We'll assume we're in a one-story wing of the castle, so that MASSIVE DESTRUCTION will not cause us to be buried under several tons of debris.)

Rounds 1-6: If the battlers create a loud enough clatter (to be decided by the ref), the castle's servants will begin to enter to observe the battle. If the clatter continues long enough, the Beast will enter. When the Beast enters, he uses Slash on both battlers and chases them into hiding until he leaves, effectively stopping the round in its tracks. (He may appear in any action of the round that he wants, as determined by the ref and the level of clatter.) After the Beast leaves, we issue commands for the next round as usual. The Beast may appear as many times as the ref deems possible.

Rounds 7-10: If the battlers create a loud enough clatter, Belle will wander in to watch. She leaves after a few actions, but can be damaged by stray attacks. She has 15% Health and if it is reduced to zero, the Beast will enter, attack, and chase us into hiding in the same manner as in Rounds 1-6, taking her with him when he leaves. (She will not return if the Beast takes her away, but she may return if she leaves of her own volition.)

Rounds 11-12: Winter comes, and with it, a Hail weather condition. During these rounds, the weather may not be changed. It should be noted that the Hail will only have an effect on the battlers if they are exposed to it by a broken ceiling, wall, or window.

Round 13 until the end of the battle: Gaston and his mob attack the castle and the servants fight back against them. The volume of the fight results in a constant Uproar (including damage to both battlers). Additionally, every once in a while (at the ref's discretion) some fighters in the mob-vs.-servants battle may stumble into our room, causing 2% damage for every hit they land to one of us. They also disrupt our aim by some amount to be determined by the ref. They'll return to their own fight within a round from their entry to ours.

complex challenge is complex
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