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The Clue Game

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think ENGLish o.O

btw, 26 anyone??? i still dont get it after reading pages of stuff... (apparently i'm up to page 26...)
what?? nooooo

is it a word i can find on the old update section 2006? or is it related?? nothing from 'updates' to 'spectrum' works *sniff*

and im completely lost on 27, what does it have to do with math?

and now im completely annoyed by 28... =.=
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Yay! I got 15 *happy dance*

....and now I'm stuck on 16. I looked at the source code, and tried marqeeofdoom. That doesn't appear to be it. Oh well, time to search the topic...
28 is the one about cliche's and clue is, you're popular, why do you keep getting abandoned?... =( is it a pokemon or something?? T.T
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Currently on 13... I've tried absol's pokedex number in the form of threehundreadfiftynine and threefiftynine. I'm guessing I'm completely off on the wrong track with the whole absol thing, so is it like a different pokemon/ pokemon's number or what?
ok, why would you get hanged in the first place? and where on TCoD would you get "hanged" but wouldn't?

any other hints other than 1 out of 493?? :S

i got 28, but i dont get why... ???

also, 29 is ebil too x( nvm that was easy... o.O

k number thirty seriously is the hardest one EVER the difference came with a price???

EDIT: nvm xDDD but i dont get why number 30 is that...
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oh btw sry arseusu.... here's a hint:
its not a movie...or anything to do with television... more with gameboys and such =)
no your like RED HOT on the answer.... its just that you need to use an addition sign on one of the numbers =) *cough cough*

what generation of sprite is it? now, how do you make magneton evolve, does it evolve now? sorry if that's too obvious
*expresses gratitude* :grin:

Current number: 16

Attempts: variations of chuuu and pi=ka=chuuu; thundershocked; thundershocked=0; and hanged=thundershocked. :dead:
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