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The Clue Game

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Yes, I know 15 is a query string but I tried stuff like good behavior, good behaviour, and the other way around, but it don't work!!! HELP ME 15 IS FRIGGIN EBIL!!!
First of all, please don't stretch the page. Second, have you read all the hints already posted? Remember that the first word must be capitalized, but the second must be lowercase.
For number three, look all over the main site for things that sound like a result for rage.

OK, shit. I'm stuck on four. The clue is obviously talking about Shuckle, but what are they asking me for? The stat number, the actual stat that's not being mentioned? I'm at a loss.

Edit: Sorry, I'm stupid. I should of spelled it out instead of using the actual number. >.<
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I'm still stuck on #4. I've tried (SPOILER) speed, 20, 10, twenty, ten, and Speed, and I still can't get it. Can anyone help me?
Well, what's a Pokemon that has always been super famous, and was very popular, especially when pokemon started?

Callisto: Referring to #4. Check the source code of #5, and think about the previous question. That's all I can say without totally spoiling it. >_<

What Pokemon do you think of when you hear the word love? Or, what shape? And what Pokemon is in that shape? ...Right, I probably should have said it was a pokemon first.

Elliekat: The numbers are a Pokemon's stats. Fill in the blanks, anyone?
Elliekat: Make sure you have the right pokemon. Also, type out the number as a word (2 would be 'two', etcetera.)

piplup165: Ugh, the source code was no help on that one. The best way I can explain it is it's -1/3. So basically, something happens in your game, and you lose 1/3 of something else. And it says 'ouch', so it must hurt...
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