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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Uh, right. Welcome to the club. *hands over jacket and shakes hand*

Have I mentioned the jackets? *hands out jackets to everyone* We got jackets in the club~ And Glade is 70% last time I checked, probably level 30 nao? =D
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I'll have to see what the different elements look like for an eastern. Alphaera is level 30 now~
This site has the art and sprites of all dragons for all elements in all stages (up to Adult, anyways). It's pretty cool and it's what I used to determine which element I wanted Violet to be (and that Eastern I'm planning on getting).
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Gonna element it Earth, probably.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Rulean's a teenager now and just a few levels away from enabling me to get another egg. :D I've decided to get a wyvern next time, and it'll be a fire wyvern.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Added, fwee, getting third dragon, be male be male be male, let this name fit ;_;

EDIT: Yay~
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Added, fwee, getting third dragon, be male be male be male, let this name fit ;_;

EDIT: Yay~
*sends male vibes and plays dragon lottery WEWT*

Violet is "developing", by the way. She's gonna be a teen in two levels now~
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Uh, whoops, I think I said Alphaera is lv. 30. She's level 20.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

silverfur, could you try not posting in single unrelevant sentences, kthxbai?

I'm a hypocrite, but nyah. >:/ Uh.. discussion topic.. What is your least favourite element, dragon, and resource? >_<

Uh. I don't like fire, really, it just annoys me. Lizarduses (?) are.. weird to me, I dunno. >_O And since I don't have any use for them.. (and no Dinos) Reptile Scales are boring. You probably all disagree with me on something. =D
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

*gasp!* it is NOT unrelated!!!! blue is my dragon adopter dragon!!! look at her tag!
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^True, Dragon. XD
Uh... I guess my least favorite would have to ba either dinos or wyverns. I agree that reptile scales are boring. I like lizardus's, though.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Well, you don't have to post in single sentences then, or at least try not to. >_O

I'm naming my (male) Eastern ed'Rashtekaresket~ If it fits. Otherwise I'll just have to name him.. Eldest. >_< Young Wizards ftw~ I wanted to name him ed'Rashtekaresket tk Gh'shestaesteh, but I bet you it won't fit DD: And yes, I memorized that. :DDDD
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Huhwut? Go Eldest~ that book is win. [/offtopic]
Lame post is lame.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

NO THAT'S NOT WHY >:/ But it could be?

Uh. ed'Rashtekaresket is a FREAKING AWESOME FOURTY FOOT LONG SHARK WHO IS IMMORTAL, no seriously shark, who is awesome. So I stole his name. :DDD

Apparently the highest form of flattery is stealing someone's name~
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