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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Hmm, my least favorite Dragon, I'll agree is the Lizardus, I like all the elements, and I'll also agree that I don't like Reptile Scales.

So for the most part I agree with Dragon x3
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I have to agree, nobody seems to want Reptile Scales on the Markets. When I do get them I always use them to buy Dragon Food. And while I like all their other forms, I don't like the way Adult Lizardus look. Speaking of which, I just realized the Eastern Dragon Adult forms look pretty lame as well. It's a shame, considering I especially like their Child and Teenager forms. In fact, I've changed my mind on getting an Eastern now. I think I'll go for either a Western or a Wyvern when I can.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I did a custom edit of my furdragon, incuding what he'll look like when he's older. :D


they're not animated because I don't have a program that can do that :C but if anyone could, I would love them forever, since I don't know how to animate anyway xD;
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I can't halp you there, I can't animate either. They look cool, though.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Uh, where is it? And Alpaera is almost a teen~ I like the western teens the best.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I did a custom edit of my furdragon, incuding what he'll look like when he's older. :D

they're not animated because I don't have a program that can do that :C but if anyone could, I would love them forever, since I don't know how to animate anyway xD;

Ooh, I could do that, cuz PS animates! I'll grab the sprites and then recolor em for ya.

My Western only needs 10% to hatch too. :D

Edit: I tried animating it, but the quality is terrible DX

I'll try again later though ^^
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Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Oh yeah, I was meaning to recolour my dragons and crap >_< Uh, I'll add it to the list of crap to do. Pffft.

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

FFFUUCCCK ;_; My Eastern hatched.. and she's female. All my dragons are female, wuuuuut

...Holy crap, does anyone have a male dragon?

And some serious genderbending, but I'm still naming her ed'Rashtekaresket. >:/ If it fits.

EDIT: *sigh* It's has to be edRashtekaresket. Damn it.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Both my dragons are male x3 I was hoping that Elric the Furdragon would be a girl, but alas~
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