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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

And does anyone know how to use backgrounds? Andmy sister, Ashstorm, got an egg. Too bad she wanted a western, too.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

And does anyone know how to use backgrounds?
I'm assuming you mean how do you apply them. After you've bought the backrounds, just go into "Customize Dragonpage" under "Status". That's it.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

*blinks* Oh yeah, added. And there should be a water-ish blue background :< There's some sky.. never mind. *thinks* Ooh, there should be water-ish backgrounds, fire and.. leaves!
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Hmmm? Dragon Adopters?
This seemed interesting, so I sort of hopped on the bandwagon and adopted an egg of my own - a Wyvern Egg. =D

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I should have joined this ages ago XD

[url=http://KadabraWindora.dragonadopters.com/dragon_7193][img]http://www.KadabraWindora.dragonadopters.com/dragonimage_7193_8365_pixel.gif[/img][/url] [url=http://KadabraWindora.dragonadopters.com/dragon_32449][img]http://www.KadabraWindora.dragonadopters.com/dragonimage_32449_8365_pixel.gif[/img][/url] [url=http://KadabraWindora.dragonadopters.com/dragon_64135][img]http://www.KadabraWindora.dragonadopters.com/dragonimage_64135_8365_pixel.gif[/img][/url]
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^Yay~ I clicked on both of them and won a ton of resources from the lottery.
Go Invader's dragons~
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Eggs hatch at Level 5, right?
My Wyvern is at level 2, with 70% left to Level 3~
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Wyzouen has 19% to level 28, or 219% to level 30.
Yeah, I really want another egg!
I wonder how much percent you gain for one click?
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Guys, my Wyvern egg is lonely ;~;
Apparently, only I visit it =/

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I'm pretty sure everyone's dragons are lonely. :( They cannot seem to be pleased, these dragons!
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