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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

If I get an earth eastern, I might name it Teraerra or Taerra. Or Tenaerra. I have lots of names with terra. (: Too bad I can only think of names for girls.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

# He is developing. He is going to be an adult soon.


Heiderich will ba an adult soon! cleeeeck him~~ Only three more levels untill 40~~
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Send it male vibes, guys~ But I wouldn't mind a female. Just sayin'.

Oh, and code:

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Thankies! Now, I would send my own male vibes, but they appear to be faulty. The last time I sent someone's dragon egg male vibes, it turned out to be female.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Because I can. *dununun*

Added, Shining Eevee, and I just realized Storm is level 50 :o

CELEBRATION *hands out dragon aura cookies* And if you want shinies.. *hands out aquamarines*
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

He is developing. He is going to be a child soon.


Click Kyooaku please.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Clicked~ Do dragons become childre at lv. 10? If so, yours is already a child.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Can I join? If so, here is my egg and code:

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

*adds* You can has joinfish, and jacket~ *tosses joinfish around*

And now I'm not sure what to get for a next dragon, which will be a long time away. *thinks* Maybe.. uh.. a Dino if I have to. *shruuuuuug* Dinos are pretty cool :DD

And now I have at least a thousand in every resource, just to boost my rank~

I'm.. 1785 out of 54675, as of right now~
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Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

My sister's dragon hatched, and my brother has an egg.

EDIT: Whoos, didn't copy it.
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