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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

7012 Dragon scales
4353 Dragon fur

So totally not showing off :DDD

And ed'Rashtekaresket is not long :<

..His full name is ed'Rashtekaresket tk Gh'shestaesteh.
One level 'til Glade becomes an adult, click the pretty Furdragon :DDD

EDIT: Oh hey, the user in first ranking has an Air Western. :DD And.. it's a higher level than mine. DDD: Here's to not getting any clicks *toasts, gets shot'd*
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~


8663 dragon fur

8396 red aura


I think my next dragon will be... uh...
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

*high fives Cryptica*

But I spent all my resources on the market, so I could have at least a thousand in everything :< I ripped myself off.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

My highest resource, red aura, is only at 900 something. D: But I'm still sort of new, and I waste my resouces on gems and stuff. XD
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

"Only," Taliax? I am much more wasteful, buying nonsense. I've only 45 Green Aura.
But I'm newer than you =P
And thank you - her background was actually one of the cheapest ones xD

ElVira is halfway to level 30. I want a Furdragon next - they can make use of most of the items =]
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I want a Furdragon next - they can make use of most of the items =]
I'm not sure what you mean. Westerns/Wyverns can use Rings, Necklaces, and Dragon Scales Hand/Tail/Leg Bracelets, Dinos/Lizardus can use Rings, Necklaces, and Reptile Scales Hand/Tail/Leg Bracelets, and Easterns/Furdragons can use Rings, Necklaces, and Ribbons/Scarves/Armbands.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I plan on getting a furdragon next, too, but they can use as many items as the other dragons.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Really? Hmm...funny, the only items I've seen in the Items Market other than rings and necklaces can't be used by ElVira because they support things like Reptile Scales.
*checks Items Market*
Ooohhhhh. Hmm, I wonder why I've never noticed that =/

Yay! Creating items is fun =3
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Oh, for a while I thought wyverns produced reptile scales, but they produce dragon scales. XD
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Oh, for a while I thought wyverns produced reptile scales, but they produce dragon scales. XD
So did I~ But when you think about it, since they're Wyverns, it makes more sense that way.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^True. I agree =]

*wants Furdragon and Lizardus and Dino*

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Terra is almost a teenager :D
and 8 levels until I can get another dragon :D
I don't know what to get... I think a Fire Furdragon :D
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

YAY! blue is an adult! know I know what lvl they grow up on! =D I am happy!!!
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

;_; Nobody clicks Automne.
Well, nobody clicks Violet either, but at least I get the impression someone used to, and she's most of the way grown up anyhow.
What am I saying? Everyone's dragons are lonely. Nobody clicks 'em here.

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