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The "Durr" Thread.

This happens to me a lot:
*looks something up on Google Images*
Hm, I wonder how much 'objectionable content' there is of this subject
*turns safe-search off*
*looks up pictures of a pairing she likes, totally forgetting that safe-search is off*
Something that actually happen while playing an online game.

*plays game*


....*loses life*


Well, it IS a "Durr" moment, right? :D
I didn't have one, but a friend of mine sure did x3

So a few friends of mine were talking about an old calendar or something while I was off in la-la land. A few of them went off to go get some sodas. I asked them where they were going.

"Oh, just an old calendar."

It took her a few minutes to figure out why I was laughing.
I forget the details, but....
Once my friend dropped his laptop. In the shower. WHILE TAKING A SHOWER. So he threw it out of the shower. It landed in the toilet. AND IT STILL WORKS.
I forget simple English words, English being my first and only fluent language.

Words like 'chair'. And 'coffee'. And...you get the picture. I say, "Blah blah blah the...what's it called, the...the...*thinks for a long time* chair! Yeah, the chair." 0_0;
I often zone out while doing my homework, then start searching for my pencil while it's in my hand when I snap out of it.

Once I got out some salsa to have with chips. It had settled out, so I shook it up, took the lid off and placed it on top of the container. I had to do something else, and when I came back, I noticed that it settled out again. Forgetting that the lid wasn't screwed on, a went to shake it again. The lid flew off and salsa got everywhere. I stood there for about 30 seconds with salsa all over me trying to figure out what happened.

I once searched my house in the morning before school for a pencil that I thought I put in my pocket. Eventually I just got another pencil instead. When I got on the bus and sat down. I put my hand in my pockets and found the pencil I was looking for before. I swear that I checked those pockets at least 10 times at home...
A lot of times, I'll turn on the internet and forget just why I did so, and then I"ll turn it off. Then I"ll remember. Also, I will occasionally walk up the stairs, forget why I did, walk down, then walk back up. A lot of times,, I"ll start a pokemon battle in the game, go get a drink, turn on the T.V., then finish the battle an hour latter.
Sucks to be me. LOL!
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I was drinking a chocolate milk box(like juice boxes, but with milky chocolately goodness instead) and I forgot that it had the straw in and it was open. I left it by the computer for a while, then, forgetting it still had a ton of chocolately-milky goodness in it, I grabbed it. I then had the urge to stretch and I raised my arms, in with one of my hands containing the box and stretched. Whist stretching I squeezed and I ended up having chocolate rain(cue that Tay Zonda guy) down upon my head, the computer, my chair, and the floor all at once. I kind of looked around, poured water on my head after I walked to the silk to get out the milk, and sat down in the chair agian. I forgot the milk was on the floor(I cleaned up the computer and chair) until my grandmother walked in and was like WTF. The floor's all brown and sticky now. So two durr moments in one package, or box of chocolate milk.

I also was walking around the house talking on the phone with no pants on(shut up, it's my own house, I can walk around in my undergarments if I want to D<!) and my mother told me to put my pants back on. I yelled "I can wear no pants if I want to!" at her playfully, then I noticed my grammatical error after my friend corrected my sentence. And then the grammar Nazis were sent out to kill me.
I'm running on very little sleep. Needless to say, basic understanding skills have gone down the toilet. One such gem from earlier today- My friend and I were talking about Tales of Symphonia. She asked me if I tend to think the plot or battles are more fun. My response? "I do like to play that game. It's fun!"
I've been occasionally looking at this forum for months. About 5 minutes after joining a few days ago, I finally got the "tea and cod" thing. XD
Just now I was putting some cream stuff on a midge bite. When I was done, I tried to screw the cap back on the tube. It didn't screw on, so I tried twisting it the other way. It still didn't work. It took a little while of twisting both ways for me to realise that the cap was upside-down.
Until reading the 'Toast' thread, I didn't know that there were degrees of how toasted something is. I just thought you put it in the toaster and it came out toasted or burnt.

And I frequently pull out my cell phone, look at the time, and put it back only to pull it out again to look at the time.
I'll often look at my watch for the time, look away, and then look back, having forgotten that you actually have to read it to get the time.
I've more than once put my jeans/shorts in the laundry with my iPod still in one of the pockets. But luckily I've always figured out my mistake before the the pants actually went in in the washing machine (I think it got in once, but I pulled it out before it was damaged).
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