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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

I noticed that "-DS" there, Bro.

His name probably isn't Dave, though. Unless he ironically named Dave after himself, which actually seems somewhat likely.
Eh, Jane and Jake are pretty similar to their pre-Scratch counterparts, not to mention Jake English and John Egbert have the same initials. So it would be expectable for Bro to have a name similar to Dave but not the same. Then again, it would definitely be awesome if the irony thing did happen.
Dick Strider. I'm calling it now. While theres still to be speculation. And that leaves miss Lalonde. Oh I'm sorry, you didn't hear, last name was confirmed...
So scratched!Mom is a drunk flirt. Which adds a whole new dimension to her interactions with Rose: she wasn't being passive-aggresive, she was just drunk off her as most of the time. Well, I think so anyways. Also, calling it now: When our kids meet the scratched kids, scratched!Mom will have a crush on all the boys. All of them.
Everyone named Jake is a gigantic space furry. This is fact.

Also, new (unofficial) album released. It's really good! I like SUBJUGGLATION and aN UNHOLY RITUAL the best. wwretched wwaltz is pretty amazing too, although it makes me feel a little disappointed that Dualscar apparently wasn't quite as badass as this tune.
UU: yoUr objective today is to pave the way for the arrival of gods.

So either A) LE's coming OR B) the pre-Scratch kids are coming to the post-Scratch universe.

Probably B.
you even typed it!

but it makes sens either way, because LE probably travels with either the Condesce at this point, or Aradia's ancestor, either of which could be treated as a god.
The god in question could even be an opposite to LE, seeing as LE is something of a devil.
What I thought was more interesting was the bit where
UU was talking about instances of universes, using A1, A2, B1, and B2 as labels. I think it supports my theory that the trolls' original universe is corresponding with the humans' Scratchverse, and further that the four universal instances exist in a loop.

I had thought that it was pretty much to be assumed that the "gods" in question were the humans, especially since (a) they've all reached God Tier now and (b) UU used "gods," as in plural. But I could be wrong; it's all speculation.
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