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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

And I'm aquaMarina on 3.14 but I'm not active on there at all. And 2.5 and 3.14 are compatible, so. Add me to the list, wynaut? (hehehe...)

hello i am a nepetaquest i like nepetaquesting

does something look wrong about this sprite? tell me. here's a shrunk version if you need it.

Chucho: Nice Nepeta.

Question-- how do you captchalogue something that huge

(Also, three of those four symbols correspond to Breath, Time and Light, so I'm guessing the third is Space?
But you know what will really be funny? When he tries to get in touch with Rose now.
If by funny you mean totally heartbreaking. I mean, presumably Rose is going to let him in on the whole "your dad is dead" thing. If he isn't already worried about her going grimdark *for reals.*
But who is Grandpa?

Probably John's grandma; remember Jade recieved a note from her grandpa.

aka their paradox clones
If by funny you mean totally heartbreaking. I mean, presumably Rose is going to let him in on the whole "your dad is dead" thing. If he isn't already worried about her going grimdark *for reals.*
By "funny" I meant "peculiar; interesting to watch", but, I suppose that depends on how you view it. And she's probably going to be in the middle of her grimdark rampage when John tries to get in touch; at best he'll get no response. He might receive some anrgy nonsense or even happen to contact her right before something extreme enough for PesterChum to react happens.

But who is Grandpa?

Probably John's grandma; remember Jade recieved a note from her grandpa.

aka their paradox clones
If I recall correctly, you've got it the other way around; the ones sending the letters are those to whom John and Jade are grandparents, not the other way around. Besides, I'm pretty sure they were all from Jade's grandson only.
If I recall correctly, you've got it the other way around; the ones sending the letters are those to whom John and Jade are grandparents, not the other way around. Besides, I'm pretty sure they were all from Jade's grandson only.

But Jade recieved some tech from her grandma, which was used to make the awesome robo-bunny.
Yeah, we seem to be talking about two different things o.0
I was talking about the letter the robo-bunny gives John from Jade.
So we're not talking about different things.

Note that both pages I've linked to state the existance of a penpal of Jade's who turns out to be her grandson and who made the robo-bunny.
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