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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

One of these shadowy figures looks a hell lot like Bro. If he's one of the post-Scratch protags, this is going to be awesome.
Indeed that seems to be.

Also noteworthy: Unlike Jane and Jake, they seem to keep their thematic colours and locations aligned with their respective kids'.

Mom appears to be in Canada and Bro seems too east to be in Texas. Mom's color is pink while Bro's is orange. Jade and Jake reside in Washington and The Middle of the Ocean, using blue and green, respectively.

Unless you forgot a "don't" in there somewhere, your statement is invalid.
Mom appears to be in Canada and Bro seems too east to be in Texas. Mom's color is pink while Bro's is orange. Jade and Jake reside in Washington and The Middle of the Ocean, using blue and green, respectively.

Unless you forgot a "don't" in there somewhere, your statement is invalid.
There's a difference between "aligned" and "identical".

Anyways. The rant from Nannasprite to fedorafreak, which I mentioned earlier? It outright displays Jane and Jake. What is said back thee also fits what we've seen so far; Jake's passion for adventure, Jane's interest in prankstery as well as dedication to cooking, and also her extensive "grounding" from the batterwitch. The fact that Jane and Jake are separated probably means that Jake has already pulled off the escape described at the beggining of the tale. What's odd, though, is that no mention of Sburb or the other two protags is made; perhaps this is a case of fauxshadowing, the same we've had with Mindfang's diary.
Actually, I am not entirely sure I like this new arc. I am sure it will be brilliant- IMO, Hussie has never failed us- but it's kind of freaking me out a little bit right now. And everything is CONFUSING and UNFAMILIAR and OH MY GOG.
Indeed that seems to be.

Also noteworthy: Unlike Jane and Jake, they seem to keep their thematic colours and locations aligned with their respective kids'.

Mom appears to be in Canada and Bro seems too east to be in Texas. Mom's color is pink while Bro's is orange. Jade and Jake reside in Washington and The Middle of the Ocean, using blue and green, respectively.

Unless you forgot a "don't" in there somewhere, your statement is invalid.

Actually, I think LS may be right in this case, if only for
post scratch Bro, who does appear to still live in Houston, as good as I can estimate, and maybe post scratch mom may still live in Rainbow Falls, New York, but it does look quite close, or quite possibly in, Canada to me. As for colors, no, they aren't the same, but I think we knew this, if only because, and this is something I'm noticing now, the scratchverse kids seem to be adopting the original kids' sprite's colors, as opposed to the kids' own. Think about it. Nanna has always been known for her bright blue text. Jade's sprite was dark green, and so is the skull in Jake's shirt. Calsprite/alternate Davesprite was orange, and that is what seems to be Bro's color Jasperprite was pink, and Mom did have that lovely pink scarf of hers.

That's what I think.
After close inspection of the large world map on my wall I have deemed that yes, Bro seems to live in Houston. I had always had an impression that he'd lived the Dallas, though

My Prince/Shogun in Etrian Odyssey III has 413 HP :33
Why is the matriorb involved in one of the recipes for Jane's hat?

Dunno, but at least Jane's Strife Specibus isn't likely to be Spoonkind. If she follows in her PreScratch counterpart's footsteps, it won't even be assigned yet, allowing for unlimited possibilities!
Actually, I think LS may be right in this case, if only for
post scratch Bro, who does appear to still live in Houston, as good as I can estimate, and maybe post scratch mom may still live in Rainbow Falls, New York, but it does look quite close, or quite possibly in, Canada to me. As for colors, no, they aren't the same, but I think we knew this, if only because, and this is something I'm noticing now, the scratchverse kids seem to be adopting the original kids' sprite's colors, as opposed to the kids' own. Think about it. Nanna has always been known for her bright blue text. Jade's sprite was dark green, and so is the skull in Jake's shirt. Calsprite/alternate Davesprite was orange, and that is what seems to be Bro's color Jasperprite was pink, and Mom did have that lovely pink scarf of hers.

That's what I think.
That's sort of what I meant by "aligned".

My Prince/Shogun in Etrian Odyssey III has 413 HP :33
I misread that as Eridan. The "Prince" nearby didn't help.
On another note!
Guess what's going to now display on my screen whenever Homestuck updates?

(But the blue becomes transparent)
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